chapter 13

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I ordered a pasta and Pierre a pizza. We talk about a lot of things and the more we talk the more I'm enjoying this. After we finish our dinner I try to pay but Pierre beats me at it.
"Let me pay for dessert than." I say laughing.
"You can't get enough of me can you?" Pierre says smirking.
"Okay take me back to my hotel than."
"No we can go." After he said that I was the one smirking. I know I shouldn't say this but come on, when it's obvious someone is into you it makes you feel good about yourself lmao.
We drive to a cute ice cream stand that is placed along a lake.
"We should do this again." Pierre says all of a sudden.
"Are you asking me out for a second date?" I ask.
"So this was a date?" Pierre looks up and we both start laughing.
"Sure. I'll go on a second date with you." I say before smiling at him. We get ready to go.
"I'm gonna buy two more ice creams, I'll be right back." I say before walking over to the stand.
After I return Pierre gives me a confused look.
"They're for Max and Lando." I say before getting in his car.
"Are you gonna tell them about this?" He asks me looking at the road.
"Not if you don't want me to." I say.
"No it's okay I guess." He says.
"You sure? I can stay quiet." I ask him not being sure about his reaction.
"No it's okay." He answers before we arrive.
"Thank you for today. I had such a good time." I smile at him.
"So did I. I'll text you about our next date tonight." He says before waving at me. I wave back at him and walk over to the elevator inside my hotel.
When I walk over to Lando and Max's room I see Max already coming out.
"Hey!" I say while approaching him.
"Hey." He says.
"I brought you and Lando ice cream." I smile.
"He's inside. I gotta go but enjoy it for me." He winks and gives me a quick hug before leaving. I walk into Lando's room and see him laying down on the couch watching a movie.
"Surprise." I say almost putting the ice cream in his face.
"I brought you ice cream." I say.
"You can have it thanks." He says not looking at me.
"It's your favourite. You know I hate it." I say laughing. He sighs and finally takes it out of my hands.
"What are you watching?" I ask while sitting down next to him.
"Just a movie. Don't you want to change into something more comfortable?" He asks me. How does he know what I'm wearing when he hasn't looked at me once? He even kept staring at the tv when he took the ice cream out of my hands.
"Do you not want me here?" I ask looking at him. He doesn't answer but his silence said enough. I get up and walk over to the front door.
"Why did you lie to me?" He asks making me turn around.
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
"I saw his car y/n. Ive been seeing him 23 full weekends every year since 2019. You think I don't know what car drives?" He says still not looking at me.
"Am I obligated to tell you?" I ask and he again doesn't speak up.
"I asked you a question. And please look at me when I'm trying to talk to you." I say and he finally looks up at me. His eyes are red once again.
"Never mind. Go to bed Lando. It's late and you're tired." I say.
"You're not obligated to tell me. I just don't know why you would lie about it." He says.
"You were gonna ask questions because I basically friend zoned him when we were in the club a couple of weeks ago." I say sitting down again.
"What changed?" He asks me looking me into my eyes. I look away.
"I don't know. Some other things just didn't work out the way I wanted to so I decided to give him the chance he deserves." I say.
I wasn't gonna tell him that he was 'the thing' that didn't work out. I know Lando doesn't like me like that so I definitely wasn't going to ask him out. That's why I decided to give Pierre a chance. I know that sounds bad but Lando never left my thoughts and when I decided to not think about him for one night, I started noticing how much fun Pierre is. A couple weeks ago, in the club, I didn't really give him a chance because I was too focused on being interested in Lando. I figured that Lando wasn't gonna see me like that so I thought about it and decided to give Pierre the chance he deserves.
"What things?" He asks.
"Nothing." I say.

Lando's pov:
I'm lying when I tell I wasn't a bit hurt while talking to her about this but I didn't show her.
With a bit of pain in my heart I decide to show some interest in this date. For myself ofcourse. I want to see where he stands with her so I can try to place myself above him.
"Did you have fun?" I ask her.
"Yeah. He asked me on a second date." She answers and I feel my heart sink a bit.
"And are you going?" I ask her hearing a bit of doubt in her reaction.
"Yeah I already said yes." She says.
"Do you want to go?" I ask her eating my last bit of ice cream.
"Look im just gonna go. Im tired and I indeed wanna get out of these uncomfortable clothes. Im sorry for cutting off the conversation like this but I really need to go." She says before quickly leaving my room, leaving me too stunned to speak.
I wasn't able to think about anything else that night. I honestly don't know what to do with myself atm. I don't know if it's good for me to have her around in a romantic way but I also don't know if I can just keep pretending like I am not developing feelings for her. My head is just not the way it needs to be. She does make it better but I can't keep her on a leash because she makes me worry less.

Y/n pov:
I immediately jumped in the shower when I came back from Lando's. I think I need to stay away from him a bit. He keeps messing with my head and I don't like it. I never felt like this before but I guess this is what it feels like to start developing feelings for someone. Not for Pierre but for Lando unfortunately. I meet someone that might actually like me like that but I ofcourse catch feelings for the boy that doesn't see me like that. I had plenty of time to think about it in the shower and so I did.
I changed in my pjs and went to bed. Tomorrow I'm leaving for Australia so I'm gonna spend my day packing everything up again.

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