Chapter 14: The Fountain of Youth

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Jack pushed aside some thick leaves and took in his surrounding, furrowing his brows. "I could've sworn it was somewhere right around here." He muttered to himself.

He pushed aide some more leaves, and noticed something very peculiar. The water droplets on the leaves weren't dripping down, they were dripping up.

Jack caught a droplet on his finger and watched as it travelled up his hand and disconnected from his finger tip. As he looked up, he noticed the marking of the fountain etched into the rock wall above him. And below, was a cave with a pool of water.

He smirked.


The Quartermaster lit some torches and he, Jack, Blackbeard, Angelica, (Y/n) and the rest of the crew carefully made their way in the cave, and trekked through the pool of water, that lead them further into darkness.

Jack came up front when they had come to a dead end. "Aha. Dead end." He announced.

Blackbeard angrily stepped forward. "Dead. End."

"Dead end." Jack repeated.

Angelica sighed. "Jack, I'm starting to think you don't know where you're going."

"That's because he doesn't." (Y/n) muttered.

"It's not the destination so much as the journey, they say. Chalices, if you please."

The Quartermaster handed Jack the chalices, and he took them and raised his arms up.

"...Stand back." He told everyone.

Jack clinked the glasses together, and the sound echoed throughout the cave, but other than that, nothing happened. He did it again, but still nothing happened.

Angelica cleared her throat and stepped forward. "Jack, have you ever, in fact seen with your own eyes, the Fountain of Youth?"

Jack shook his head. "I'm sorry, could you repeat the question please?"

(Y/n) sighed and hung her head. They were dead for sure.

Blackbeard turned to the Quartermaster and gestured for him to shoot Jack. He pulled out his pistol aimed.

"No, no, wait, wait!" Jack protested.

"No!" (Y/n) shouted, trying to get to Jack, but was held back.

The Quartermaster fired at Jack, and the bullet hit the chalice and bounced off. Blackbeard pulled out his own pistol, and aimed at Jack.

"Wait!" Jack yelled.

Blackbeard paused.

Jack looked back at the chalices and noticed writing written on both of them. " Vida."

As soon as he said that, a low rumbling sound was heard. The water from the cave started to move on its own, slinking around the feet of the crew and up the walls to the ceiling where it joined and swirled together to create what looked like a portal.

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