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If it's not the end then why did you leave me in unlimited tears...

If it's not the end then why did you leave me in endless darkness...

If it's not the end then why did you leave me on the never ending road...

If I think correctly now... we never started our journey... How can we end it when it has not even started...

They said every beginning has an ending but why no one said sometimes it can end without even starting...

Yes, Every journey has its ending point but our journey can't be ended cause it never started...

I thought we are not strangers anymore but we are... U proved me wrong by leaving me to my grief...

You are a stranger who came into my life as a stranger and became an important person in my life...

You are a stranger who made my heart flutter once and broke it forever...

You are a stranger who made me think beautiful yet conscious...

You are a stranger whom I want to be more than a stranger but ended up being a stranger..

If we cross our paths ever again don't even come to me... Because if we start again we have to end again...

I don't have strength to end it again without starting...


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