broken heart

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We are not meant to be still we met each other...

We planned our life together even though they are opposing it but destiny has another plan for us... It played its role to make us separate...

Through the unshed tears, I looked at him one last time... Remembering the smiles we shared.. The love we found in each other... the comfort which no one can ever give me...

With shivering hand, I touched his cheek one last time... hoping it can't be the last but I know the best that it won't happen in this life...

With trembling lips, I kissed him one last time... Caressing the memories of our happy days... Feeling miserable for our broken promises... Cursing our pathetic fate...

With a thumping heart, I hugged him one last time... Feeling warmth of his embrace...  Grieving over our crushed dreams... Looking at how my world turned upside down...

While hiding my pain, I held his hand one last time which perfectly fill the gap between my fingers... Remembering our romantic night walks under the starry sky planning our future together not knowing our lives are going to fall apart...

With tearful eyes, I smiled at him one last time, controlling my pool of tears which are threatening to fall as I want him to remember my face with smile... I want him to smile whenever he remembers me..

With one last good bye, we parted ways and I started walking with a heavy heart carrying all the love which he left me, thinking about the miserable life which I am going to spend without him.
I never turned around to see him again because if I do then I can't walk away from him again...

It's started raining... telling me it's ok to shed some tears and he is not gonna see now...

It was raining when we first met too and I thought it was because nature wants us to be together and it was happy for us... Today when we separated,
it was raining again and this time the nature was also heart broken just like us and shedding the tears with us...


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