XIV. Ghostface Shrine

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   Chapter 14,
     Ghostface Shrine

 It was safe to say that detective Espinoza, or Wayne, was destroyed to have lost his daughter due to ghostface. He was officially alone, with no wife, and no kids, Wayne was all alone, he lost everything. Mika, and Mikaela rushed over to Daphne as Wayne broke down in front of them, he was hurt that his daughter was dead. The man did everything in his power to take care of his daughter, and keep her from any dangers.

  "I'm so sorry for your loss." Mikaela hugged the older man, as he sobbed into her shoulder, Mika's tears fell from her eyes as she looked away from the two.

  "Hey, are you okay? I came as soon as I heard!" A voice shouted, causing the group to look back, and see Gale Weathers jog over.

  Mikaela scoffed as she watched Gale make her way over to them, Mika rolled her eyes and looked at Daphne.

 "Gale, I swear to God.." Daphne turned to her, clenching her fists, she was ready to swing on her if needed.

  "Truce, okay? I am here for whatever you need." Gale interrupted, however she looked at Mikaela when she was speaking.

 However, Mikaela wasn't falling for it, she was still hurt over the book Gale decided to write, and she wasn't planning on forgiving her for it anytime soon. 

  "Yeah, nice try." Mikaela chuckled, Mika stood silent as the older woman tried her best to convince them that she wasn't going to make a book based on their situation nor was she going to broadcast their business.

  After a few moments of neither girl budging, Gale sighed and let them know she was off the record, which finally got them to believe her. Being off the record is something very sacred, if you're lying then it is obvious that nobody is going to trust what you say afterwards. Daphne thanked Gale for being truthful. Everyone's eyes fell on Mika, who clenched her jaw so hard you would think her teeth were to shatter. 

  "I'm sorry, for punching you.. very hard." Mika finally apologized, even though her gaze didn't soften, she felt like she should have said something.

  Gale pursed her lips into a thin white line as she looked at the girl with both eyebrows raised.

 "No you're not."

 "You're right I'm not, but at least I apologized." Mika retorted as she moved closer to Mikaela, grabbing her hand, squeezing it twice.

  Mikaela squeezed Mika's hand back three times, before letting go. Gale then began to tell Wayne that she knew where the masks were coming from, and it would be best if she showed them, considering she was digging around to find information from the first two victims. However they couldn't get that far before Kirby walked over to the scene of the crime, she always looked so pretty and happy.

  "Kirby?" Gale asked in disbelief as she looked at the white haired woman.

 "She's with the FBI."

 "She's a child. When did they start letting children into the FBI?" Gale responded, her head did not want to wrap around the fact that Kirby was an agent when she looked like she belonged in her senior year of college, or even Junior.

 "Maybe because I am more mature than you ever will be, nice book by the way." Kirby spat with a sarcastic smile dancing on her lips.

  Gale rolled her eyes, and filled Kirby in on what she had found, deciding that Kirby might want to see what she had discovered too.

 "By the way, I'm thirty Gale." Kirby added, her smile was gone when she had said this but it wasn't to intimidate Gale, but to show her she is not a child.

 "Jason and Greg were little Atlanta rich boys. Apparently they went by fake names to rent this place." Gale informed the small group as she led them into an abandoned theater like place.

  "How did you find this?" Kirby asked as they walked up the stairs, only for Gale to give her some bullshit answer about journalism. Right after her answer, Gale questioned Kirby on how she wasn't the one to find it, considering she was the one tracking them down.

 Mikaela was standing in the back with Miles, the friend group had decided to follow along as they didn't want to be left behind for dead. Miles was a little nervous and on edge, but Mikaela knew it was just because he was accused of being a murderer.

  "Holy fuck..." Mikaela muttered as she looked around, every single weapon, mask, and gown that was used in the first ever murder of Woodsboro was here. 

 "It's a ghostface shrine." Gale pointed out the obvious.

 Shivers went down Mika's spine as she looked around with Camden and Alaska, this place was way too creepy, and yet way too familiar. It felt like they were going to end up right back here, not now, but possibly later. That's just a feeling though.


𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon