Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Harry was deeply surprised when Sirius introduced him to the small boy. He was even more surprised when he didn't see Severus the entire evening. As they were eating dinner, Fawkes appeared. The phoenix gave Sirius a message and left.

"Harry, I'm sorry I must leave tomorrow morning, but I'll be back on Tuesday somewhere in midday," said Sirius. After a few instructions of what to do with 'the boy', Sirius and Harry went to bed.

After Sirius left next day, Harry went to make himself breakfast. Sirius had said that Severus was extremely bad-tempered and therefore was grounded.

Harry looked up as a the small boy padded into the room. The boy looked up at him and Harry smiled pointing to a chair. The child seemed surprised, but went to take the offered seat.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Harry asked. Sirius had said that the boy didn't want to eat more than once a day so he shouldn't bother trying to feed him more, but that was exactly what Harry would do.

Harry was standing with his back to the child so he didn't see the surprised look again.

"A-a-anything is fine, sir," said Severus.

Harry frowned at being called sir, but didn't comment...this time.

Harry turned around and placed a full English breakfast in front of the boy and a cup of warm milk.

Then Harry proceeded to eat his own food. The starvation at Dursleys had taken a toll on him long time ago and therefore he ate little food.

Severus bit into an egg and Snape was surprised it was eatable. If only the boy would use his skills in potions he might have turned out a decent student...

When they were finished Harry stood in front of Severus awkwardly scratching his head.

"So, what do you do all day long?"

"Nothing, much sir," said Severus, but that was a lie. He cleaned the house and served Mr Black. Harry smiled.

"I see."

"Let's go to your room," suggested Harry, but for Severus that was an order. So they did. Harry froze at the door.

"What joke is this?" he hissed angrily. "I had asked for you to show your room!"

Severus mumbled something. "Sorry didn't catch that," said Harry.

"This is my room," said Severus a bit louder.

A new look of fury crossed Harry's face. Then he calmed himself.

"Come with me."

They went downstairs into the living room. Harry pointed at the couch. Severus knew he was going to get punished, but he obediently climbed onto the red couch. Harry left.

'I hope he's not going to return with a belt,' Severus thought. Snape heard it and sneered.

'Knowing Potter he will take revenge as did Black.'

But Snape did not know Harry, because Harry returned...with a cup of hot tea and a plate of biscuits and strawberries. He placed them on the coffee table.

"I have to leave for about an hour. While I'm gone please stay here unless you wish to go to the bathroom," he said gently all traces of anger gone. He took a book from the shelf and placed it on the table next to the plate and cup.

"I brought you something to eat if you get hungry while I'm gone and you could read something," said Harry and then left through the Floo, to Diagon Alley.

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