Chapter 3

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It was almost midnight. Small feet padded downstairs. The door to the living room opened and Harry looked up from a Quiddich book.

"Why aren't you asleep?" asked Harry.

"I couldn't sleep sir," said Severus shyly. Harry sighed and stood up from the couch, then walked over to the small boy.

"Severus, truly, stop calling me sir. I'm not that old yet," said Harry with a smile and Severus gave a small smile back.

"Now go to your room and fetch your favourite book," said Harry and puzzled Severus complied.

When he returned Harry was on the couch again, his shoulders covered with a blanket. Severus neared Harry and Harry picked him up and placed him on his lap. Severus snuggled closer at the warmth, thought afraid to be pushed away.

Harry opened the book. It was called 'Boy Who Cried Wolf'.

Severus allowed the warmth and Harry's voice lull him to sleep. When Harry finished the story he saw Severus sleeping, but decided not to move him. And so unconsciously tightening his grip on the small boy Harry fell asleep.

Severus woke from the feeling that he couldn't move. First thought was to panic, but when he wriggled a bit he saw arms around him.

His wriggling awoke Harry as well.

"Morning, fledgling," said Harry.

"Morning, Mr Potter," said Severus shyly.

"It's Shadow, Shad or Harry to you, Severus," said Harry and Severus nodded. The the boy slipped off Harry's lap and Harry stood up. Severus went to wash up and change his clothes as did Harry only in another bathroom.

When Severus entered the kitchen there was a delicious smell of breakfast. Harry had ignored Sirius' talk about Severus eating only once a day and had supplied the boy with food four times a day.

Today Sirius was returning from Dumbledore's mission.

Harry saw as the time neared to midday Severus was getting more and more quiet.

They ended up in Severus' room playing with toy dragons and for a moment Severus had forgotten about the arrival of Mr Black.

Snape was stuck of only thinking and doing nothing more, but he knew that he preferred Harry- no Potter's company more than Black's.

"Harry, I'm home!" came a shout from downstairs. Harry ruffled Severus' hair and went downstairs to greet Sirius.

Sirius told him about the mission he had to do, but Harry noted that not once had he had asked or said anything about Severus.

When lunch came Harry asked "Should I call Severus down?"

Sirius' eyes flashed. "No," he said. "The little brat will not come down."

They ate lunch and Sirius said that he had to go to the library that left Harry gaping at him. "YOU are going to the library? Without Remus dragging you in?"

Sirius blushed and muttered "research" and left. Harry quickly made some lunch for Severus and ran onto the second floor, tiptoed past the library and into Severus' room.

"Sev?" he called gently.

Harry looked around. Severus was sitting on the floor, his knees drawn close. At Harry's voice he looked up and Harry smiled.

Harry entered the room and walked over to the small desk and placed the plate of food and a cup of juice there. Severus was staring at him wide-eyed.

"You didn't think that I'd let him starve you?" said Harry smiling slightly. Severus stood up slowly and sat behind the desk, staring at the food.

Harry allowed his hand to run through Sev's hair and then turned to leave. Suddenly he stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2013 ⏰

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