16. Cho Kyungho

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The day after i stood in front of the school.  With Danielle of course.  She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the building as i waved at my manager.  She took me to my classroom door.

"Just wait here until the teacher arrive" She said and went inside the classroom.  Soon after the teacher came.  She greeted me as we went into the classroom.

 When we came in everyone rushed to their seats. I got stared up and down. A couple of girls and boys whispered in the back.  Mrs Han cleared her throat.  The whispering stopped. 

"So... We have a new student. Introduce yourself"

"I'm Nari. I'm from Japan. And that's it"

"Okay sit in front of Danielle" She pointed to the seat.  I put my bag down on the side of the table and sat down.  

The class finished and we were on break.  I could hear some of the girls whispering once again behind my back. I heard male voices as well. Or at least what I assumed to be male voices.

Sooner or later one of the guys with the so called male voice approached my desk. He stood right on the other side of my table and He squatted down so he could look me in the eyes. 

He had dark brown soft and shiny looking hair. He had large, dark brown, soft eyes and beautiful lashes. His smile was everything. His smile could cure any depression.

He was perfect.

"Hello" He waved and smiled. My heart!! It can't take it!

"h-hi " Great! you just embarrassed yourself!

"How long have you been in Korea?"

"4-5 months" I was starting to calm down my nervousness. 

" Has anyone ever told you that your eyes are pretty? If not then i guess i will be the first" He winked. My cheeks were bloodshot red.  I looked at his name tag.

"Well thank you... Cho Kyungho" I returned a smile.

"The bell will ring soon. Before i got, I wanted to ask you if you are free tomorrow after school" 

"I'm free" The bell rang and we all went back to our seats. I already made a friend. He didn't talk to me in any of the other breaks. 

In all of the other breaks i just talked with Danielle. What would i do without her!

After school our manager came to pick us up. I must admit... I was tired after the first day but i also missed school. I know that might make me sound like a nerd. 

I didn't miss school because i liked classes. I just liked having a lot of people around you that's the same age. Well i didn't like that there were a lot of people but still.

When we arrived at the dorm we were about to get out of the car. Our manager stopped us.

"Danielle you can go.  Nari we have something to talk about at the company" the hint of anger in her voice startled me.

After Danielle left we drove to hybe. The whole car ride was extremely quiet.

When we arrived, we went to one of the meet rooms. It was filled with all of staff from 05 liners. Everyone except Eunkyung and her manager. Did  this not have anything to do with her?

I sat down next to Niki. They started the meeting. I felt a hand rest on mine under the table. Nari get your shit together. It's just Niki doing a friendly gesture.

"We got some... Interesting photos from an anonymous source" Pdnim Kang put a photo in front of us on the table. It was the picture that was taken in the alley way. the picture of Niki and I hugging.

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