Chapter Seven

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Your knees trembled with weakness, and the weight of your shattered heart was crushing your spirit. Each aimless step you took seemed to drain you further. Desperate to escape the torment, you sought solace without succumbing to the depths of despair. Perhaps music could offer respite, or perhaps it would only amplify your anguish. Placing the earbuds in your ears, you pressed shuffle, praying that fate would spare you from a gut-wrenching melody that would further intensify your already overwhelming emotions. Yet, cruelly, the haunting notes of "Need 2" by Pinegrove began to play, and instead of skipping it, you found yourself captivated by its perfect resonance with your pain.


Jenna sat alone in the empty cafe, her heart weighed down by loneliness. Emma had left abruptly, leaving Jenna to untangle her own messy feelings. Regret loomed over her, urging her to chase after you, but fear held her back like invisible chains. The mere thought of facing you made her tremble, afraid of the words that might escape your lips. Jenna knew she had messed up her last chance with you, but a tiny glimmer of hope flickered inside her. If only she could explain herself, maybe you would understand. With determination coursing through her veins, she stood up and quickly dialed her jeweler. She pleaded with them to expect her visit, desperately hoping to erase any lingering doubts. Jenna clung to the belief that this final attempt would turn her luck around, for the alternative would leave her utterly lost.

Jenna was determined to find the perfect ring for you. It had to have the perfect cut, the perfect gem, and the perfect size. She wasn't entirely sure if you would say yes, but she hoped that the ring would at least sway your emotions towards her.

As she discussed her plans with her friend Joy over the phone, Joy expressed her concern. "You really want to ask her to marry you so soon?" Joy questioned.

"Yes," Jenna replied confidently. "She means the world to me, and she needs to know that."

Joy suggested that things would have gone more smoothly if Jenna had reached out to her instead of Emma. Jenna acknowledged her mistake. "Yeah, I know that now. Please give y/n a call and make sure she's alright, and then send me your location," Jenna requested.

"Alright, bye. Stay safe," Joy responded.

"You too," Jenna said before hanging up.

Finally, Jenna arrived at the jeweler's shop. "Here's the ring, Ms. Ortega. Is it to your liking?" the jeweler asked.

"It's perfect," Jenna replied with a smile.

You eventually find a bench and sit down, desperately trying to process your conflicting thoughts. Part of you is filled with confusion, not knowing how to feel, while the other part is consumed by anger. Why would Jenna leave you in bed to go see Emma? You were aware that they were still friends at the end of the day, but you were friends with Emma as well. So, what difference would it have made if she had asked you to tag along in the first place? It would have saved you a lot of heartbreak. But then again, Jenna didn't seem to be hiding anything because she told you exactly where she was and even waved you over to sit down. However, it was the principle of the matter that hurt the most. Before you could get any more lost in your thoughts, your phone rang, causing you to jump a bit. Glancing at the caller ID, you see that it's Joy and you answer the call.

"Hey, are you okay?" Joy asks, concern evident in her voice.

"Yeah...can you please come and get me? I just want to go home," you stutter, your voice filled with a mix of sadness and frustration.

"Of course, I'm on my way," Joy says reassuringly before hanging up. She then texts Jenna, informing her that she's coming to pick you up and take you home.

Hopefully Jenna would be able to beat you home.


A/N: Are you saying yes, or no? 

Maybe ㋛︎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt