A Normal Night

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"Blue, I swear you will never see another day ever again if you throw me in the pool," I threaten August, whose shoulder I am currently dangling on.

"Oh, I am scared," Blue mocks me.

"You should be," I say and think about what I can do.

I can try and escape, but that would result in Blue falling and getting a concussion.

"Okay, you got me. Be thankful that the floor is marble and me escaping means you will probably die," I say, accepting my fate.

"You guys have a pool?" Carter questions.

"Yep, and I am pretty sure it is freezing," Ace replies.

"Hey, what is happening?" Adora asks, coming down the stairs.

"I am being kidnapped against my own will. Bye, Adora. Let's meet in heaven one day," I say, sighing.

"Don't be so dramatic," Ace says, smacking my head.

"Hey, you are lucky I am still held captive,"

"Yes, Yes," He waves it off. The path to the swimming pool is taking so long.

"How much longer?" I ask.

"Are you that eager to swim?" Carter asks, chuckling.

"You know, I was contemplating throwing you in the pool, but you deserve it," August says, picking up the pace. I scream, startled, and the pool comes into view.

"Here goes nothing," I sigh and wait for my doom.

Ace holds my hand while Blue has my feet, and they swing me in the air before throwing me in.

"1, 2 and 3," I gasp when the cold water touches my skin and swim back up to breathe.

"It's freezing," I say, my teeth clattering.

I look up and see all four of them laughing, and I smile sweetly and call out to Blue.

"Blue, you realise I am wearing a white T-shirt. Do you really want the others to see-"

"Shut up, and here, hold my hand and come out. I will cover you with my body," I smile like a maniac and wink at Ado.

"Are you that clueless or just plain stupid?" Ado asks Blue.


I hold his hand and pull him in, making him shriek and fall into the water.

"Yeah, you are plain stupid," Ace comments, laughing.

"As if you are any better," Adora says, pushing Ace in.

"I already took a bath, so I am going in. You, kids, enjoy the swim, and don't disturb Mommy when she is enjoying her sweet time outside the freezing water," Adora says, making her way in.

"No, you don't," Carter says, picking her up and jumping in with Adora in his hands.

"CARTER," Adora shrieks as they both jump in.

"I hate you," She whines, pulling the hair out of her face.

"The water is not so cold once you get used to it. This is fun," I say and start swimming.

"Want to race?" Ace asks Carter.

"If I win, you treat me to ice cream for a week," Carter says.


They start swimming, and Blue swims up to me with a smile.

"I really missed this,"

"Yeah, it has been so long since we hung out like this,"

"Why did you fight alone, Blue," I ask, not knowing what came over me.

"If they came to know that I told you, they would have leaked the pictures the next second, and I absolutely could not let that happen,"

"You could have told us," Adora says, swimming up to us.

"No, I could not," Blue says, his voice cold, remembering something.

"Let's just enjoy," I say and swim to where Ace and Carter are. I look back and find Adora and Blue talking.

"You did not play fair," Ace complains.

"Just admit that you lost, pretty boy," Carter smirks.

"I hate you,"

"I don't care. You owe me ice cream,"

Blue and Ado join us, and we play around the pool until Carter speaks up.

"My student cannot get sick because she needs to train," Carter says, looking at me.

"You, out," He says, getting out of the water.

"Aww, but this is fun,"

"You don't want to beat the Don?"

"Heck yeah," I say, climbing out.

"I will get changed first, guys,"

"Okay, we will be out in five,"

"I will show you the bathroom, Carter," Blue states, coming out.

"Ace, don't freeze and die," Blue says, snickering.

"Ha Ha, very funny,"

We enter the house, and I wait for Blue as he shows Carter the bathroom.

"Come fast. I need to take a bath next," Blue yells as he enters the living room.

"Not going to take a shower?" He questions.

"Did you suffer as much as I did?" I question, making Blue stand still.

"I did," He answers with a small smile after a while.

"I am sorry you had to go through that all alone," I say, tears threatening to spill out.

Blue sighs and pulls me into a hug. I hold him tight, and he strokes my head.

"It is NOT your fault, and don't you ever think like that again," He lifts my chin, making me look at him.

"I love you so much, Alexis. I regret hurting you. I regret it so much. But I could never let those pictures spread around. I am sorry for not telling you. It was to keep you safe. Please try to understand me." He finishes and kisses my forehead, wiping my tears away.

"I missed you. I missed you so much," I cry harder.

"I know," He says, hugging me tighter.

"I love you," I say, trying to stop crying.

"I love you more, Dove,"

I cry for another five minutes, and he gently pats my back, calming me down.

I think this is the final stage of healing. I am finally ready to put all this behind me and start fresh. It constantly hurt these past two years, but I think I can move on now.

"August, I am done," Carter announces.

I pull away from the hug just as Carter comes in, only wearing a towel around his waist.

He and I shriek simultaneously, and I turn around, my cheeks burning.

"This is sexual harassment," Carter shrieks, making me laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, I am going to take a bath now," I say, and cover my eyes as I go upstairs.

I am glad August had someone like Carter these two years.


Hey guys. Here is another chapter for you. This is not one of my best chapters. I wrote just for the sake of writing to overcome my writers block. Let me know what you think. Thank you for reading. Vote and leave a comment. I love you. Jesus loves you.

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