Et tu, Brute?

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"So, how are things with Nathan?" I ask Ado as I munch on the burger. We are currently at the cafe outside school. So many of our school students come here for lunch. It has a nice and cosy vibe.

"It's not bad," Ado answers, wiping my mouth with tissues, might I add, rather harshly, after she notices the ketchup around my mouth.

"You are not a kid, Alex. Eat properly, or I will stuff your mouth with tissues next," She warns.

"Yes, mam," I answer back. Ado can be strict sometimes.

"Also, the kiss was a dare," She exclaims.

"Good for you," Ace comments, eating a burger. I look down at my plate and find it empty.

"Wow, you approve of him?" Ado questions.

"Yeah, he seems like a good guy. Alex, I can feel the anger radiating off you. I will buy you a new one," He answers and calmly finishes the rest of the burger in one bite.

"Also, the competition is only a month away, so starting now, you are going on a diet," Carter states, eating a big bite of his burger in front of my face.

Alex, calm down. Murder is wrong. Also, you will lose your trainer if you kill Carter. I mean, Ace can take over, though.

"Where do you people pop out off? I swear it was just me and Ado a few seconds ago," I say and shake the chocolate milkshake.

"Diet," Carter warns and takes the milkshake away from me.

"No, I cannot live without sweets," I plead.

"Nope, you need to focus on increasing your stamina and stop with that puppy face. It might work on August, but not on me," Carter strictly states before drinking my chocolate shake.

"Oh, for the love of God, don't drink it in front of me," I say, exasperated.

"Where is Blue?" I question when I notice the missing member of our group.

"He is outside, talking with Nathan there," Ace says, and Adora stiffens.

"You okay?" I ask her.

"Ah?" She responds and wipes her hands on her skirt before answering me, "Yeah, even his name makes me stiff. Guess I like him more than I thought," She laughs, embarrassed.

"When are you planning on telling him?" Carter asks.

"He already knows, kinda," I say.

"Do you really think he would have agreed to come without reason?"

"Fair point,"

"Do you think he likes me back?"

"Probably. Give him some time," I state.

"Are you guys free next period?" Blue asks, standing behind me, and I automatically lay my head on his stomach.

"Yeah, Only Adora has math next. We all have a free period," Ace replies.

"Wanna cut class and go for a drive?" Blue suggests, and I look at him with my eyebrow raised.

"Something happened?"

"Nope, just wanted to go for a drive," He smiles, but it's not his real smile. Something is wrong.

"I have a test, and I cannot skip it. You guys go without me," Ado smiles sadly.

"Okay, do well on the test," I wish as Ado leaves for class.

"Let's go,"

A few minutes later, we huddle into Ace's car, and Carter suggests he drive. I know where we are going. Blue is in the front, and Ace and I are in the back.

"What's wrong?" Carter goes straight to the point.

"It's nothing," Blue sighs.

"August, I have known you a lot longer than you realize. You only suggest a drive when you are extremely anxious or stressed about something. You did it the time you told me about Alex. So don't even think about lying," Carter says calmly.

"Let's go first. I will explain everything, I promise,"

The car ride is tense, and fifteen minutes never felt so long. My mind replays different scenarios of what could have happened. All of us stay silent, each deep in our thoughts.

Once we reach, I sit between Ace and Carter on the bench while Blue remains standing.

"I don't know if I should say this or not. Keep in mind if one of my close friends keeps this from me, I will be hurt," Blue says, looking at me.

"What happened, Blue? You are scaring me," I say.

"I know who leaked your photos to Vivian and her gang, and you are not going to like the answer, Dove,"

The blood in my body goes cold, and I unknowingly sit up straight and clench my fist.

"I am sorry it has to come to this, Dove. I didn-"

"Spit it out, August," I say, my voice showing the urgency behind those words.

"It's Adora,"

Everything stops around me for a second, and my heart drops to the pit of my stomach.

No way, it can't be. It just can't be.

"Alex, Alexis," I hear faint screaming beside me, and I feel someone shake me by my shoulders. I realize that I am breathing very heavily.

"She is having a panic attack," A voice says, and I can't figure out who it is.

"Alexis, look at me," Somebody says, holding my face, forcing me to focus on them.

"Five things you can see," Blue says, and I look at five things. The bench, Ace, Carter, Blue and the tree behind him.

"Four things you can touch," My ring, Carter's jacket, Blue's bracelet and Ace's jeans.

"Three things you can hear," Blue's voice, the wind and the faint passing of a car.

"Two things you smell," Blue perfume and the smell of roses.

"One thing you can taste," The gum in my mouth. I can feel myself calming down, and my breathing goes back to normal.

"Are you okay?" Ace questions, and I nod.

"It can't be," I say faintly.

"I am sorry, Alex. It is the truth. I really hoped it would not be her. Anybody but her," Blue says, and I can hear the desperateness behind his voice.

"No," I say, this time more firmly.

"I am sure it is not her. I know it is not her,"

"Alex," Ace starts.

"Please. Why are you lying? It is not Ado. She did not do it," I plead, my voice breaking. Ado would not do this to me.

"I did,"


Hey guys. Here is another chapter. Did you see this coming? I guess authors really can put their character through so much trauma and feel no remorse. I feel like a psychopath. Anyhow, I graduated today, that is another thing that happened. Vote and leave a comment. Jesus loves you.

Love 😍

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