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I entered the conference room at 10:15 a.m. I still have fifteen minutes left for the meeting to start. I started organising everything in the conference room. I kept water bottles in front of every seat and then made sure everything was proper.

I finished doing everything and then turned towards the door to see all the board of directors coming towards the conference room. I could identify most of them. I saw my boss, Abhinav Shetty, talking to two men, one of them was Vihaan Gowda, the CEO of Jaya enterprises and the most eligible bachelor. He looked good.....really good. Even from far I could tell that he was a person who spent a good amount of time in the gym. I was staring at them when my attention shifted to the board of directors who were entering the conference room.

I greeted them and showed them their places to sit and asked if they wanted anything. That's when my boss and Vihaan Gowda entered.
"Maanvi come here. Let me introduce you to our new partners." I immediately headed towards my boss.
"Vihaan meet Maanvi, my PA, and Maanvi meet Vihaan one of our new partners." He said looking back and forth from me and Vihaan.

"Hi sir, nice to meet you." I said extending my hand towards him.
"Nice to meet you too Maanvi." He said shaking my hand with a smile.

Then I saw another person enter the conference room. My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped. He approached us with a huge grin on his face.
"Maanvi meet Bhagat Gowda he is also one of our partner." Abhinav said looking at me.
My anger was reaching its peak but I couldn't show it here, it's my work place, I can't get risked being fired. I can't believe my brother followed me even to my work place.

He forwarded his hand towards me and with a smile he said "It's my pleasure meeting you Miss Maanvi."
"The pleasure is all mine sir." I said forwarding my hand with a fake smile.
My mood just got spoilt. Excellent. I just hate my brother.

"So, let's start the presentation. Shall we?" My boss said as they took their seats.

I switched off the lights and started the presentation. I did my best not to look at my brother because I knew I would lose my cool. As I was gifted with a loud voice, I sounded more confident than I actually was. I finished the presentation and then went to switch on the lights.

Most of the board of directors left the room after the presentation and only my boss, Vihaan and my brother were left in the room. I went to collect all my things and my boss called me.

"Maanvi you did a great work. Keep it up." He said patting my shoulder.
"Thank you sir." I said smiling at him.
"You really did a great job there Miss Maanvi. It was nice meeting you." Vihaan said smiling at me.
He looked so handsome from near. He looked professional and casual at the same time.
"Thank you sir. It's my pleasure." I said to him as I turned towards my brother expecting a praise from him.
But no, he had to act like an ass so he just smirked and turned towards Vihaan and Abhinav.
"Ok guys, I ll leave now." He said to them.
"Come on senior. What's the hurry?" Abhinav said looking at my brother.

Did he just call my brother senior? Were they in the same college? How come I didn't know?

"No Abhi, next time... I have some important work now." He said, as he hugged Abhinav and then Vihaan.
My brother left without even looking at me. How can he act like that. I know that I don't like it when everyone knows me as his sister and when they start giving me special attention but that doesn't mean that he can't praise me. Such a jackass.

I took all my things and headed out. I went to the parking lot to find my brother waiting for me.
"Hi fatty." He said smirking at me.
"Are you serious Bhagat. Why did you come here? Why did you become a partner here? Can't you just leave me alone? I want to be independent." I said, getting annoyed at him.

"Ok first calm down." He said pulling me towards him and putting his hand on my shoulder. "Firstly, you did a great work there. I am really proud of you. I didn't tell anything there because I knew you wouldn't like it if everyone gets to know that you are my sister. Secondly, the reason I am a partner in this company is because Abhinav was my junior in college and he asked me to be one of his partner. I couldn't refuse." He said looking at me with a calm face.
I gave him a puppy face and then nodded.

"I am craving for ice cream. Do you wanna join." He said smiling at me.
"When have I ever said no to icecreams tell me?" I said chuckling.
"Exactly! whom am I even asking. The one who eats everything like a pig." He said laughing.
"Ayyyy, I am not fat." I said hitting him.
"When did I say your fat. I just said you eat everything just like a pig. Ohhh..... I just got a new name for you..... piggy." He said excitedly.

Even though my brother is 28, he acts like a kid with me. He gives me a new nickname every day and all those nicknames make me feel fat.
"Seriously piggy?" I said making a disgusting face and got inside the car.

"Milano?" Bhagat asked looking at me.
"The one and only." I said.


Hey loved ones❤️,
I hope this chapter was better than the previous one? Please do comment and let me know. I would love to see more votes and comments.

Maya 🕊️

Instagram id- _itsmaya08_
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