Prologue - Planet B

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I feel like we were destined for the planet to kick us off. Some say it was because of the increasing population, dust-like pollution, and a variety of new viruses, spreading faster than ever. But I feel it was because we were the virus, It was bound to happen.

Protesters and scientists knew this would happen any day by now. So they tried to stop us, stop everything we did that was killing us and the animals that depended on the earth. We started to spread the word about environmental issues. It was a trend to them. As quickly as they came they left and turned a blind eye to the problem as it got worse. Even after the Protest the experiments, the solutions.
It was all too late.

People would start dying of hunger. Crushed to walls by tsunamis. Organs turning numb. Catastrophic overpopulation ahead of us. 'There was nothing we could have done to stop this. It was going to happen one day." they said. But it was just us blindly ignoring it was our fault and it was the planet's way of getting rid of us. Then one day, we found it.

An Earth-like planet not too far from earth. Big enough to support our growing population.
So we built twelve shuttles. Twelve different countries, flying into space on an expedition for us to live in this new habitat, also known as...Planet B.
Hopefully this time, we don't make the same mistakes.

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