9 - The truth

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"You were kidnapped." I freeze at my spot.

I was kidnapped. I thought they gave me away, which I was wrong about it. But the question is, why was I kidnapped?

I was completely silent the whole 5 minutes. I didn't dare to speak, but I know that I have to. I don't want them to get mad at me.

"I'm sorry for shouting, I didn't mean to." I mumbled, sniffing.

"It's okay dear. It's not your fault." I heard my mom whispered close to my ear, fixing the strands of my hair. I haven't brushed it for a while now because of my laziness.

I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned my head to the right, showing mister slendy. "But you need to understand the truth, baby. We will explain everything to you."

I only nodded my head down as I shift myself to where he is. We're both looking at each other right now as awkwardness spreads around.


"F-- YOU ROMEO! NEXT TIME YOU TRY TO IMPREGNATE ME I'M GOING TO BE THE ONE SHOVING YOUR PUN INSIDE YOUR A--!" Daleah screams as she tries her best to push the incoming baby out from her.

Tears pour down to her cheeks as she kept holding his husband's hands tightly for amount of support.

Romeo didn't seem to be bothered and wasn't at all as he understood that she needed to let it all out.

Before Daleah was going in labor, he decided to position himself above his wife's head so she can see her. Daleah told Romeo that she preferred herself laying down as she wasn't used to sitting while giving birth.

As much as he's getting tired, he didn't show it to anyone else. He didn't want to receive any disappointments from people around him. Although, the only way that he could help was giving his wife so much strength for her to continue.

He kept whispering her comforting words.

"Everything will be okay after. I won't leave you and I will be here for you"

"I love you so much, I know you can do it"

"You are doing a great job. Just a bit more okay?"

Even though Daleah didn't believe all, she continued her best. After one last unbearable scream, the baby was successfully out.

Only the sounds of soft breathing and whispers were heard inside the labor room.

Daleah thought herself that she did it. She escaped the torture that she felt all the time when in this situation.

"Bébé, I'm so proud of you." Romeo says as he kisses the surface of her forehead.

The four of the doctors had started their last job with the baby before announcing the gender, although most of the family members already know that it's a girl.

Wet tears of joy comes out from both of her doe, tired eyes again as she saw her little girl being given to her.

Daleah held the small baby into her arms carefully, as she also plants a kiss to her face everywhere. Unfortunately, the baby wasn't exactly that awake yet, but the mother didn't mind.

Little DivineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora