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You woke up in an unfamiliar room. Though it was clean, it was definitely foreign to you. You couldn't tell who it belonged to, or if it's ever been used for that matter. It gave off the same energy as those bedroom stock sets in big department stores. Bland enough to model anything someone was trying to sell, but full enough to have all the essentials.

You sat up as the white cotton blankets fell off of your torso, collecting into a messy pile on your lap. How did you get here? The last thing you really remembered was...


His name softly left your lips though you didn't expect a response. Despite being visibly alone, you could feel a myriad of presences outside the door. Were they friend or foe? Though you couldn't really tell, the bits and pieces you remembered from your last talk with Satoru weren't helping with your nerves. Who knows what was waiting for you? You got up as quietly as you could in a set of pajamas you didn't remember buying. Tiptoeing over, you slowly creaked the door open until...


You jumped back, nearly tripping over your own heels! Satoru, Suguru, Shoko, Nanami, Ijichi, and Haibara were waiting with confetti, balloons and banners liberally decorating a well-kept living room. But all you could make out was a bunch of bright colors. It was way too early in the morning to absorb anything more than shapes and blobs.

"What's... what's this all about?" You nervously chuckled, cautiously taking a peek around. Did you walk into something you weren't supposed to?

"What's this all about?" Shoko repeated back mockingly. "Happy birthday!"

You stared at them blankly.

"Did you seriously forget about your own birthday?" Suguru frowned.

You continued to stare.

Counting on your fingertips, you tried to piece together the days. The twelfth.. the sixteenth... the twenty seventh...

Your eyes lit up as soon as you connected the dots. So it was your birthday! With everything happening all at once, you completely forgot it was just around the corner.

"We had a cake earlier." Suguru grumbled, rolling his eyes to the suspicious white haired boy with crumbs all over his face. "I tried to stop him."

"You can't just get a strawberry shortcake and expect me to not eat it," Satoru huffed back. "Look Y/n, I can buy you another cake when things open." But your eyes only got glossier the more he spoke.

"Look at what you've done, Satoru you idiot." Suguru sneered, crossing his arms in a disapproving huff.

A wash of panic sprawled across the white haired boy's face as he desperately tried to plead. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I swear I'll-!"

But you didn't give him a chance to finish, leaping into his arms as soon as you could. "Why do you need to apologize?" You sniffled. "Thank you. I really didn't expect this... thank you."

Satoru settled down, grinning a sly 'best boyfriend in the world' smirk before Suguru shot him another glance. Ok, maybe 'second best boyfriend in the world,' next to the boyfriend who didn't eat the entire portion of their girlfriend's birthday cake in one sitting.

After having more time to digest it all, you were finally able to take in the room with a clear head. That's when the questions started setting in. "Why is everyone here? I thought you wanted to lay low for a bit. What about looking out for the Higher-ups?" You leaned into Satoru's ear in a whisper. After yesterday's car discussions, you'd never have thought this was something he was willing to entertain.

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