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The next day finally came, though there was nothing much to celebrate. After all, you were stuck in the same situation - left to your own devices to recover in the Gojo Clan. At the very least, you were starting to feel more welcome getting to know a few more of the maids on a first-name basis. They always seemed so uptight around Satoru and his father, so it was refreshing to see them comfortable around you.

Maybe you should explore the clan today. If you were going to marry Satoru, you'll need to know the ropes around here eventually. It's not like the both of you will be living anywhere else for the foreseeable future.

How will it look in 10 years when you and Satoru are married? Will you even have time to walk around without a care in the world? It's unlikely. At the end of the day, he has his responsibilities, and somewhere along the lines you'll have yours too. And unfortunately for the two of you, these responsibilities amount to much more than any normal person should be comfortable with.

But just for now, maybe it's worth it to dream of a world without curses, responsibilities, clans, or anything of the sorts. Maybe you both could be nobodies - where the name 'Satoru Gojo' meant nothing. That wouldn't be all too bad. Whether he's the strongest, the weakest, the tallest, the shortest, didn't really matter. The only thing that should matter was that you both love each other.

Looking out to the rows of cherry blossom trees lining the narrow path of buildings, you saw a faint shadow. It was a familiar silhouette, one that you'd never forget. Besides the silhouette was another, feminine. Similarly proportioned to you, similarly estranged from the woes of the world... it was you. Rubbing your eyes, you looked back in the direction of the two silhouettes to find there was nothing all along. All that remained was the lingering memory and a wish deep down in your heart.

That one day, you'll be able to walk beside him like that.


"Sensei, isn't this a little unfair?" Satoru huffed, brows dipped as he pursed his lips together. Impatiently tapping his foot, he continued. "I have an injured soon-to-be fiancé and you're sending me off on a long distance mission?"

"It wasn't my choice," Yaga disgruntingly sighed, crossing his arms across his chest. It was only the two of them in the classroom, Satoru with his feet kicked up on his desk and Yaga, standing plainly at the front. "But it's urgent. A special grade appeared out of nowhere, and the other two are already deployed. It's unfortunate timing, but you're the only one who can deal with it."

"I get it, I get it." Satoru rolled his eyes, mockingly vomiting out the words. "We're the strongest, blah blah blah. But let me at least go home first, I'll be quick I swear! I just want to make sure she's-"

"The longer you stall, the more other people get hurt." Yaga frowned, cutting him off. "I know you're not the most sympathetic, but you're still a Jujutsu Sorcerer."

"You're wrong." The white haired boy was unapologetically blunt. "Sure I can use cursed energy, but I'm not just a sorcerer. I'm a person who cares about someone. Why is that so wrong?"

Though Satoru's position remained unchanged, his eyes were growing colder by the minute. If it was anyone else, they'd have quivered in fear and succumbed to the intimidation of the strongest sorcerer. But it was Yaga-sensei, who was probably the only staff member of Jujutsu Tech who understood him beyond his title.

"It's not wrong to love someone." Yaga sighed, closing his eyes. Turning away from his stare, he held his hands behind his back. "Being a Jujutsu Sorcerer is also a form of love. Protecting her from harm, protecting the world she calls home, it can all be love. But ignoring your duties can also adversely affect her. If you refuse to go, who else do you think they'll send off?"

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