Thorns || Chapter 2

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Kyle got up and rushed to the bathroom, puking out roses. Except, they had stems, with thorns. He quickly flushed the toilet and drank water to get the blood out of his mouth and walked back in.
''Sorry dude.. I just felt sick'' 
''Its alright!'' Stan says. ''Also, Tolkien is hosting a party tonight, wanna go?'' 
''Sure'' Kyle said cheerfully. He sat next to Stan and put his head on his shoulder, which they usually did and watched what Stan did on his phone.

Kenny looked at his broken phone.
''Butters, theres a party tonight at Tolkiens!'' 
''Oh hamburgers.. Can I come?'' Butters asked
''Ofcourse you can!'' Kenny cheered and looked at him.

(Butters POV, a little bit of Bunny for you guys!!)

I hate Kenny Mcormick.
I hate his crooked teeth,
I hate his 1960s haircut
I hate his knobby knees.
I love him. Everything about him. 
I dont even know why. Hopefully this party will give me a chance.
''Hellooo?'' Kenny waved his hand infront of my eyes and i shook my head
''Heh.. sorry'' I apologised and smiled
''Its alright, wanna go to the park?'' He says, i could tell he was getting a little bored. I nod and we both walk out of Kennys house and down the road. While he talks I look at his beautiful smile, his perfect eyes, his perfect nose, his perfe- God.. Butters snap out of it. 

A car came speeding towards us and it knocked me over. The last thing I saw was Kennys face and it went pitch black.


We finally made it to the park and I sat down with Kenny on the bench and we talked for a bit before deciding to go on the swings. I sat onto the swing and Kenny pushed me, and I can tell you, I went pretty high. The sounds of laughter came out of my mouth and it made Kenny smile slightly. 

Once we both got tired, and the moon was out, watching us. We decided to go to starks pond and chill for awhile. We sat down on a blanket together, he put an arm around me and we watched the stars. I pointed out a pattern in the sky, it looked like a dragon.
''Oh yeah!'' The taller blonde haired boy arupted, realising. I giggled at this and looked at him, smiling, he smiled back and I rested my head on his shoulder. Slowly closing my eyes to a rest. 

A few minutes later I felt myself being picked up and taken to probrally my house. He laid me down and I fell asleep after that. 

I love Kenny. ^^

Hope you guys liked the bit of Bunny haha, im a big fan of the ship so decided to put it in.

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