Chapter 1

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Birth of A Ninja

Iruka looked around him in total astonishment at the sea of blonde hair and orange jumpsuits that suddenly were filling his vision that previously saw only a traitor and former friend and colleague getting ready to end his life. He couldn't believe it, his knucklehead prank king of a student had truly learned the shadow clone jutsu in one evening to a level the chunin had never seen before. He had witnessed the famous Kakashi and other jonins in his lifetime spawn a clone or three before, but never the numbers he was seeing in front of himself at this very moment and it made him smile to see his worst student finally succeed in something ninja related.

That smile quickly turned into a cough as he was reminded of the injury his former friend had caused him, that led him to be practically lying in the dirt outside of Konoha in the middle of the night as a twelve year old fought against his former sensei turned traitor, Mizuki. The cough rocked his body enough that he gasped out in pain, and tried to concentrate on his young student as he watched a veritable dog pile of orange and blonde deliver an epic beat down to the chunin traitor. When his student had left the defeated and unconscious Mizuki to return to one of the few precious people he had in this village, the older chunin was still in awe at the skill of Naruto Uzumaki, the number one most unpredictable ninja, that he said something that would change the Elemental Nations for years to come.

"Naruto, I'm so proud of you ...the shadow clone jutsu ...that is one of the original jutsu of the Nidaime Hokage," Iruka gasped between twinges of pain. "It was originally created for espionage ...make sure you don't dismiss them all together ...the memory feedback is supposed to be very difficult with more than one clone."

Memory Feedback

And just like that, the Elemental Nations changed as a young genin just starting out is given a gift that will rapidly accelerate his growth to unprecedented levels due to a series of unique circumstances, bloodlines and heritage, techniques and knowledge.

Naruto's face twitches as he dismisses the hundred plus shadow clones of himself one after the other, with each one causing his original body to wince as he is continually inundated with memories of the exact same event happening from hundreds of different perspectives, and each one carries with it just a little bit of knowledge and experience. That knowledge and experience are felt a hundred times over by Naruto after ten minutes of methodically dismissing his shadow clones and assimilating the short battle from several perspectives.

"Wow, what a rush," exclaimed Naruto after the last of the clones poofed out of existence and he once again saw himself jump on the pile and this time bite Mizuki in the left hand as they attacked and beat him down.

"You'll have to tell me about that jutsu sometime, it's one I always wanted to learn," replied Iruka-sensei fondly as he watched his young student beam in praise of anyone needing to learn something from him, but then quickly remembering where they were.

"Iruka-sensei, we need to get you to the hospital," yelled Naruto once he realized his teacher was still bleeding with Mizuki's windmill shuriken still embedded in his back. "Can you walk sensei?"

"Not easily," gasps out Iruka, "but you could have some clones carry me-" was as far as he got before another poof of smoke and a dozen new clones were spreading out to help lift their teacher.

"Why don't I escort you first to the Hokage?" spoke a silent new arrival with the white ANBU mask of a cat, as three ANBU appeared around them, taking in the scene of the battle quickly, and paying extra attention to the large scroll strapped around every copy of Naruto's shoulder.

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