Chapter 15

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Training For Finals

The day after the second round of the chunin exams was complete, Naruto was given the bad news from Kakashi, that his sensei would be training Sasuke exclusively for the finals against Gaara. As he needed the entire month to get Sasuke's speed and abilities higher in order to compete against the powerful Sand user. He apologized to Naruto for leaving him without any real training of his own, but did line up some lessons from Ebisu if he wanted to learn anything from someone else.

Naruto attended one of those Ebisu lessons just now, and afterwards was wandering around in a bit of a bad mood, as the tokubetsu jonin wasn't really the ideal trainer for Naruto, as he could already defeat him and they lacked any kind of mutual respect for one another. The only good thing to come from that failed training, was the wandering walk Naruto took afterwards, that led him by the hot springs and an odd old pervert. After Naruto made the women the old letch was perving on aware of their visitor, he happily walked away to the sounds of the white haired man getting pounded by the many upset females.

"That was a dirty thing to do," came the somewhat angry voice, that Naruto was easily and somewhat surprised to see belonged to the same old pervert, who wasn't apparently getting beat up at all despite the sounds that continued to come from the inside of the hot springs.

"It's what perverts deserve," responded the blond back with a little glare of his own, to match the one the larger white haired man was giving him.

"Are you calling me a pervert?" came the unmistakable growl of the older man in the unusual geta sandals and old timer clothes, as he glared at the young blond ninja.

"Um ...yeah," answered Naruto easily, not understanding how this guy he caught peeping on women didn't see his own perversion, "it's pretty obvious."

"I'll have you know I am no mere pervert," came the almost dramatic twist, as the older man stood up and started doing some ridiculous kabuki style dance poses, "I am the great Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku ...the Sannin with the Mostest ...the Icha Icha Creator ...the Gallant Jiraiya ...the Super Pervert!"

"Super Pervert?" came the unmistakably exasperated voice of Naruto, as he watched this old timer make an even bigger fool of himself than he thought possible, though the name Jiraiya did ring a few bells, he didn't think that this could possibly be the same person who taught the Fourth Hokage, or was the student of Sarutobi Hiruzen, "more like ...super joke."

The change was quick, and if Naruto hadn't been looking directly at the white haired older man, might have missed the quick transition from goofy elder into a fierce ninja of significant skill as he glared right back at the blonde. He went on to complain that the youth of today had no respect for their elders, and even launched into a long defense of the noble tradition of spying at the hot springs for inspiration. Within minutes, Naruto learned of the man's utter devotion to anything perverted, but also realized that this was a skilled older ninja who could and should be teaching him something important.

"You don't know who you're messing with ...brat," came the response from the white haired elder as he continued to glare at the younger blonde.

"An old geezer that has to spy on pretty girls because he can't get them himself?" countered Naruto back with a heated glare of his own, regardless of how dangerous the older ninja might be.

"You little shit," growled the oder ninja, "I've gotten more pretty girls than you've ever seen in your life pipsqueak."

"I doubt that," smirked back Naruto as he brought his hands up in the familiar seal as clones appeared all around them, though these were all scantily dressed female versions of himself that turned on the white haired ninja and started draping themselves over him, instantly causing a large nosebleed as the self proclaimed super pervert was rendered speechless by the sexy display.

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