{Chapter 2}

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I stood near the window, while Leon rambled about what I said. I knew when I felt something and that my mind didn't create illusions for no reason.

I wanted to marry Lucella Ordis.

I knew my urgency to find a bride had also contributed to pushing me into this decision. But something about her felt different. My heart sparked whenever I saw her, pleading for more glimpses of her.

"Kings, Princes, noblemen, knights, she rejected all of them!" Leon shouted, calling for my attention. "Look, I know she is already past the age of marriage but I don't think she wants to be wed yet."

My eyes went wide before I threw him a glare. "Why didn't you say that the first time I told you my intentions?"

He scratched his neck while grinning nervously before sighing. "Look, I do want to help you. How about you choose a noblewoman from Flaundia? That serves your purpose."

Before, my purpose was to find a trustable bride. Now, my purpose had changed to marrying Lucella Ordis. Speaking of the angel, I found her strolling in the gardens with her small entourage of servants.

In her hands was a large canvas. I wished I could hear her voice but we always didnt get what we desired in life. Which doesn't mean I won't fight for it.

"Leon, you are aware of our laws," I tore my gaze off the enchanting woman. "All Kings of Isfere should marry their brides in their native lands. But first, I need her consent. If she rejects me, I shall consider your proposal." A lie.

Marital content was very important and if the woman says no, not even her parents could force her to change her mind. If I have to get the moon to attain Lucella's acceptance, I might just do that.

Leon ran his hands over his face before approaching the window. I knew it was hard for him to let go of his sister because I had one too.

"Leon, I will court her if I have to," I told him calmly. "I just need your permission to do it."

He sighed and threw me a glance, his blue eyes dull. "I just want her to have a happy marriage, Rysen. Like the ones our parents had," He smiled and looked at his sister through the window. "She is my gold and silver. My only family, along with Isabelle. When she smiles, I want to make her laugh. When she cries, I want to destroy what made her upset. Though it had been a long time since I'd seen her tear up. This is the only reason I hesitated with your proposal. I can't let her go."

I smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "If she becomes my wife and Queen, I shall treat her like a goddess. She would need nothing and I assure you, on my honour, that I shall protect her from all dangers."

He smirked and shook his head. "You don't need to do that. But I trust you, Rysen. I trust you to keep my sister happy and safe. And if it's my permission you are waiting for...well, it seems that you won't leave until I say yes."

I laughed and glanced over to the window. Lucella seemed to be sketching something on her canvas and I saw an opportunity to finally speak with her formally.


That evening, I was as nervous as an adolescent meeting a girl for the first time.

The summerhouse in Flaundia was just as beautiful as the one in Isfere. Eleyna loved that place and we sat there while she complained and spoke of her thoughts. When it came to secrets, I was her closest and most trusted confidant; a title I was proud of.

"Your hands are trembling," Marcus pointed out.

I stopped holding the sandbag and turned to give him a look. "When was the last time you met with a woman?"

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