{Chapter 3}

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The moment Lucella said yes, Leon called up for a council meeting. The men in his council were nice and agreeable. Most of them were pleased that their Princess agreed to a very suitable match.

The day of the wedding came by more quickly than I expected. But the anticipation that I felt was inexplicable. In Flaundia, it was a superstition that the bridegroom and the bride were forbidden to see each other. But I sent Lucella a letter, as no rule said that we couldn't speak to each other. To my pleasure, my bride not only accepted the letter but sent hers too.

It made me grin whenever I called her my bride. And soon, she will be my wife and Queen.

But to this day, I am yet to find what she saw in me that she liked.
I wasn't complaining because it made me the happiest man in the world.

The entire week was spent decorating the castle and the incoming entourages of all the nearby kingdoms. The list might have surpassed more than three thousand, though I did stop counting at one thousand and fifteen. Such a wave of people made me nervous but still managed to keep my cool with the letters Lucella sent.

I sent a letter earlier this week about my marriage. I did not wait for my siblings to arrive as I was well aware of how their mother felt about the whole situation. It was easy to speculate that she lost her sanity due to this news.

At the moment, I waited for my soon-to-be wife, in the enormous hall as Marcus stood near the rostrum, seemingly more nervous than me. I wished that my siblings were here because I would have done anything to hear Eleyna's mischievous advice and Adrick's excitement.

The priest, an old man, had seemingly sensed how anxious I felt. He inched closer, to my surprise.

"Do not be worried, Your Majesty," he said, ending with a chuckle. "If any man was in your place, they would behave the same. But it is quite an accomplishment to be capable of marrying our Princess. She isn't impressed easily."

"I am grateful for your kind words," I replied with a smile. It bolstered my strength and I reminded myself that I was a King and should act accordingly.

After what seemed like centuries, the bells finally rang, indicating the start of the ceremony. The hall was filled with excited whispers as I watched the large doors open. For a moment, there was no one there. But soon enough, a surprising presence filled the crowd with laughter and noises.

Isabelle, the cat, walked through the aisle. Leon had truly overdone it as I could see. It held her tail high up in the air as it moved gracefully, wearing its lovely necklace, studded with glittering sapphires. The cat mewed and that brought silence throughout the large chambers.

And in came the real people I had been anticipating

Leon, of course, was in the finest and deepest blue vest I had seen him in. The crown of Flaundia was gleaming on his head but the thing that made me smile was his smile. He looked as if his mouth was about to fall off soon and hence, he smiled his best.

Beside him, was my bride, the woman who had enchanted my dreams and the one I shall be calling wife soon. It was customary that the couple should wear the colours of their kingdom on their wedding day.

Hence, my red apparel contrasted well with her sky blue and white gown. She held a small bouquet of what seemed to be a combination of jasmines and lotuses which truly went well with her gown. A gleaming tiara was on her head and the one thing that upset me was that veil she donned.

I wanted to see her smile.

What if she wasn't happy with marrying me?

Isabelle, the cat, stood near the dias, waiting for her master. But as for the others, I lost them the moment my eyes fell on my future wife. When Leon made it to the place where I stood, he glanced at his sister.

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