Chapter 4:A Battle of the Fleet of Unknown Origin

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-In the Middle of the Sea-

A Big ship is seen cruising through wave and headed to their next location, which is Kingdom Of Quila. This is USS Washington that are now headed to Kingdom of Quila. The fleet have been return back to base for further notice. Since, it no need for a huge fleet to go to a nation that is primitive than them. But, usually they are very cautious in this new world and doesn't have knowledge about world. They still have to be cautious, on what might happen to the liaison and the crew of the ship that might make it danger in unknown country that might be a hostile or not. Lindemann want to stay because he will act as a representing of german admiral in US warship together with the liaison that follow him in next diplomatic. But, the KMS Bismarck also stay with the USS Washington to be an extra support ship.

In the Captain Quarter of USS Washington. The two admiral are exchange talking and laughing on jokes.

Halsey: Well, when my friend go near the dark room. We actually scare him so bad that he actually run out of the room and scream so loud that it wake our commanding officer up. Me and my friend quickly get out of there and head to our room and hide there before get caught.

Lindemann: You surely scare him?

Halsey: Yes, afterwards I saw him getting punish by mop the floor and clean the bathroom for one wee.

Lindemweeko and Halsey laughing so loud that it could be hear from outside. Then, suddenly a knock could be hear from the door.

Halsey: Come in.

US Sailor: Sir, we have spotted a ironclad and 20 sail based fleets.

Halsey: WHAT!?

Lindemann: Huh? Are you sure a fleet from the era of our past is here?

US Sailor: Yes sir, but it have flew a different flag . I could assume that is not our past.

Lindemann: So, there is a nation with a ironclad huh?

Halsey: Seem like it, but I curious on which nation have ship like that.

Lindemann: Should be other nation fleet that come from far that we haven't discovered yet. But, don't we have half fleet are guarding our nation and another is on searching some nation that is still not discovered yet?

Halsey: Maybe, but we have to be cautious that this ship is a hostile.

Lindemann grab the binocular and look at the ship in front that go opposite direction from them. Then, the fleets suddenly turn toward them and turn broadside reveal the cannon. Then, a smoke is seen in the cannon and show that it shooting at them.

Then, a column of water is seen near the USS Washington and it show hostile intention against them. Then, the wooden ships follow shortly by firing their cannon. This sudden attack have make the crew in alert and await the order from admiral to make a fight back that hostile ship.

US Sailor: Sir, what is your order?


Lindemann: I want you to tell the Bismarck to fire as well.

Halsey: Turn to broadside and fire full broadside at them.

US Sailor: Sir yes sir!

The US Sailor start to rely the message to KMS Bismarck that they are clear to attack with USS Washington.

Speaker: General Quarter, General Quarter get to your battlestation. I repeat get to your battlestation and this is not a drill!

All onboard the USS Washington and KMS Bismarck are ready for combat and they turn broadside to reveal the huge 16 in and 15 in turret facing to the enemy fleet. The fleet consist of 21 fleet include with ironclad now are still at them. The two monstrous battleship are now prepare their main gun with secondary also prepare for battle.

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