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The alpha wakes up groggily in the middle of the night. He feels his body aching everywhere, remembers they have dance practice the next day- or today? Fuck, whatever, he needs a hot bath, that'll calm down his muscles-

And suddenly he feels the warm body beside him shift. It's Taehyung, he realizes by sniffing the air a little. He's lying half on top of Yoongi, his head buried in the rapper's neck and an arm slung around him. They're lying in Jimin's bed, still in the beta room.

Images of today- or yesterday (what time is it anyway?) flood his mind. He remembers his rut starting, the members all flooding his room and then... and then he remembers how careful they were with him, how lovingly they all took care of him. Shouldn't it be the other way round?

A warmth floods his chest, belly, and fingertips, his head feels lighter and he almost forgot about his aching muscles. He sighs deeply in contentment. He does need to go to the bathroom, though.

The small brunet tries to snake his way out of Taehyung's iron grip on him, only being able to escape after tickling the younger a little and sliding out at the right moment.

Everything hurt, it was a real torture going to the bathroom. Yoongi ran himself a bath, throwing in a bathsalt said to relax muscles and sat in the bathtub as it filled, fiddling with the toy duck Tae bought as a joke a little. He was really happy to have such an amazing pack, Yoongi thought to himself quietly, a small smile grazing his lips. He couldn't remember feeling this peaceful with himself and his body in a long while.

As he started to drift off in the steaming bathtub he heard the bathroom door open and small footsteps making their way towards him. He looked up to see Jeongguk and smiled sleepily at the young beta, who returned a sheepish smile.

"You look so sweet and innocent right now hyung, I almost can't believe what I saw earlier today." the maknae says, smirking and sitting down on the edge of the tub.

Yoongi's smile fades and his lips form a pout instead, he looks away embarrassed. "Yah, maknae..." he mutters lowly but doubts that Jeongguk even caught it.

"I'm just joking, hyung." Jeongguk says instead, patting Yoongi's damp shoulder with his hand, petting him a little. Something comes to his mind. "Oh, by the way..." he looks into Yoongi's eyes, waiting for him to look back at him to say the next phrase. "I love you."

For a second, Yoongi doesn't even register it as Jeongguk said it like a normal conversation topic. Then he gets flustered again, what came into the dancer? "Jeongguk, yah... Stop confusing hyung..." he whimpers exasperatedly, shaking his shoulders a little to showcase his struggling.

Jeongguk almost choked on the cute sight. He should say that more often.

"No, I really mean it Yoongi-hyung! You know I used to idealize you and Namjoon-hyung a lot. The other hyungs too, of course, but you two were my ultimate role-models. I thought you were geniuses." he confesses and Yoongi knows that the speech isn't over, but interrupts anyway: "Hey! You thought that? What about now? I'm still a genius..." he starts to complain but gets weaker at the end of the sentence.

Jeongguk just laughs at his cute hyung shortly, shaking his head and gripping onto his shoulder more steadily. "Hyung! You still are, of course, and Joonie-hyung too! But now I realized... that you both are just like me. You're human, and you both have your... demons. You've got problems, hyung, and insecurities, just like me." he says, now more quietly and more serious. "And I guess... I should try to help you with that, since you hyungs are all helping me all the time, and taking care of me. So today I'm gonna start giving back." Jeongguk says determinately. He slides off the edge of the tub to kneel and be on eye level with Yoongi. "Hyung, from now on I'm going to say that I love you every time I can. I know it may not help much, but I want you all to know, and especially you, that I love you. You're really... important to me. And seeing you today, you didn't even think we care enough about you to help you at first. I just want you to know that... we all love you. And we'll always be there for you, just like we know that you'll always be there for us. Because you love us too, right?" he finishes, still holding eye contact with Yoongi and suddenly the rapper is overwhelmed by how much Jeongguk has grown up.

Their little Kookie could be pretty grown up and wise sometimes. Tears well up in his eyes again, but he's still kind of calm. He nods slowly, closing his eyes gently and reaching out to rub Jeongguk's head. "Y-Yeah, Kook,... you're right, I love you. I'm..." he fishes for words.

"Don't even start apologizing. Or saying you're not enough, because you are. You're the best alpha we could ever ask for and seriously... we love you for who you are." Jeongguk warns and assures at the same time. Yoongi is silent after that, thankful.

"So... if your dick hasn't fallen off by now, how 'bout a hand job?" Jeongguk asks after a moment of silence. "Way to kill the moment, Kook." Yoongi replies, rolling his eyes, but he still feels his dick stir a little in the hot bathwater. Why didn't he use bubbles so he could hide under them in case a horny maknae barges in?

"I saw that little wave over there, hyung..." Jeongguk starts smirking and sitting up on his shins. "I... god... you guys are gonna be the death of me... you know I'm still the grandpa of the group." Yoongi says, but spreads his legs as wide as the tub will allow him as Jeongguk rolls up his sweatshirt sleeve to slip his hand under the water, skimming over Yoongi's soft belly.

"Yeah, no joking, you fell asleep like three times... right after sex. You really are a grandpa." Jeongguk jabs lightheartedly at Yoongi, pleased at his alphas willingness right now, massaging his balls lightly now, nipping at the sensitive skin on his inner thighs every once in a while and getting Yoongi hard again. Yoongi whines a little, grip on Jeongguks head tightening and his other hand slowly swiping over his own chest.

"You know what Seokjin-hyung and Hoseokie-hyung would say right now?" Jeongguk implores, watching Yoongi's face as he starts to jerk him off slowly, Yoongi exhaling deeply. "Hmm?" he asks, closing his eyes and toying with his own nipple a little.

"They'd say, 'Well, Yoongi-ah, can't have you fall asleep every time after we get a little heated', and 'I guess we'll just have to train you a little, disciplining someone that doesn't behave never hurt'." Jeongguk answers, imitating his hyung's voices pretty badly. Yoongi opens his eyes to look at Jeongguk, alarmed. "What the hell, Kook?" he asks, his dick stirring even more in the younger's grip and the hand on his chest stilling.

"Don't look at me like that! You gotta know they're both pretty kinky fuckers. Jimin is the worst one, though. Altough I'd like to put myself on third place in Bangtan's kinkiest list." Jeongguk tells him like it's the weather, while tightening his grip on every upstroke, feeling Yoongi squirm a little again.

"Again, what the hell, Kook?" Yoongi's full on blushing now. It was obvious his packmates weren't the most inexperienced, vanilla ones – like him – but kinky? All kinds of images flooded his mind, Seokjin hyung spanking him for interrupting his speech once again, Hobi tying him to the bed, Jimin teasing him in public- and he cuts that thought right out, he's too close to coming already, short gasps escaping his mouth, but he's still too tired to be more vocal.

"Hmm, you seem to like that idea. I'll have you know that I specialize in nipple play and a few other things, hyung. You're gonna find out pretty soon that your omegas and betas are pretty... horny. Like... pretty horny, yeah. It's unlikely that there'll ever be a moment that no one is up for sex. And the fantasies the hyungs have... true, we've never had a literal orgy like that, but more one-on-one flings. Now it's official though. I'm pretty sure we're all ready to be marked." Jeongguk chats as he jerks Yoongi to orgasm, the older one gripping the edge of the bathtub and curling in a little when he cums. He needs a moment to catch his breath, Jeongguk stroking his head in the meantime.

"I've literally never seen you this chatty before, Kookie."

"Hyuung... I'm just... really excited. Also I may have had a coffee. By the way manager-hyung gave Namjoon-hyung a message after you passed out. We're having tomorrow off, too."

Yoongi blinks lazily. "Maknae..." he starts, Jeongguk perking up and giving the rapper his full attention. Yoongi's a little embarrassed, but pushes it away, he feels too comfortable now for any manliness-issues. "...Carry me to bed." he demands, eyes closed and a small pout on his lips. He can feel Jeongguk's grin without opening his eyes. And then he can hear it.

"Yes, alpha! Your wish is my command."

And then Jeongguk is lifting him out the tub, drying him off and even massaging his scalp a little with a second towel. He's lifted up and put into his freshly made bed – thank you Hoseok. He doesn't let go of Jeongguk, the younger complying gladly and spooning Yoongi from behind, both fall asleep like that.

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