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It's Thursday, three days after the big marking day in which Yoongi switched from mating and marking his pack mates and having short food breaks. Now it's official and the seven of them are a pack. Management is readying themselves to get it out to the public, even though a lot of people suspected BTS of being a pack already long ago and mostly everyone thinking they'd be a dreamteam pack, fitting so good together.

On the first day after marking, everyone felt dizzy once in a while, but that was mainly it. No sickness, no rejection of the marks and no other complaints. At first glance it seems like nothing changed in the group dynamic, but then you can clearly see Yoongi being so much more at ease and relaxed, like never before. The other members are gravitating more and more around their alpha, usually minding their own business and giving Yoongi space, but now that he's claimed them, and they've claimed him, they're all over each other. Someone is sitting in someone else's lap constantly, or touching each other. More massages, more petting, more leaning against each other and feeding each other. A lot of joking about how 'gay' and 'domestic' they've become. Mostly Taehyung responding to any compliment or sign of affection with "Gaaayyyy..." jokingly and ending his own compliments with "No homo though."

All in all, they're adapting to the new life they are sharing now.

So, it's Thursday, three days after the big marking day. After dance practice and readying themselves for tomorrow's weekly idol visit, they have dinner together, at home. Over the takeout boxes there's a low, calming murmur of voices. Jeongguk tells Yoongi excitedly about the new trainees he's seen that day, Yoongi smiling at Jeongguk like he's a literal angel. Namjoon and Jimin scrolling through Jimin's phone, selecting Kim Daily photos and Tae just spacing out alongside Seokjin, who's eating and watching his dongsaengs.

Suddenly Hoseok speaks up, clearly addressing the whole table. "So. I'm happy we're together, guys." he tells them, making a pause. When he doesn't continue but seems lost in thought, Seokjin nudges his knee with his own a little.

"Oh yeah, so there are still a few things that we need to talk about." he continues. All eyes are on the dancer and they wait patiently for him. They watch Hoseok stand up and leave the room, then return with a pen and papers. "So, Yoongi first." he announces, everyone still as confused as before, but just deciding to watch where this is going. Hoseok writes Yoongi's name on top of the first paper and makes a few points to indicate a list. "So, praise kink, manhandling, dirty talk... what else... oh, you liked the nicknames, right? Kitten, princess?" he asks and turns to Yoongi, locking eyes with a very surprised, blushing and spluttering alpha who buries his face in his hands, elbows on the table.

"Hobi!" Namjoon shrieks, "you can't just say things like that while we're still eating! Look, he's getting embarrassed again!", turning everyone's attention to the blushing alpha, cooing and calling him cute again, Seokjin even pinching Yoongi's cheek a little.

Tae pipes up, tone serious "He's kinda right, though. We have to do this early on to... you know... not overstep boundaries – yes, it just came from my mouth, stop gawking Jimin! – it's just, that way we won't hurt anyone. Ooh, Hobi-hyung, write hair-pulling and power-play down, too!" he started off serious but ends it in squealing and jumping up and down a little from excitement. The rest of the pack relax, too, even Yoongi. "Oh god, you're so perverted..." the alpha mutters, now having put his hands down and looking at Taehyung, not yet ready to address all the kinks they've listed.

"Oh look who's talking, Mister 'I got a fleshlight and panties hidden under my bed'! Yeah don't look at me like that we know!" Taehyung defends himself, sitting up more and smirking once Yoongi splutters and suddenly actually squeaks, covering his mouth with his hands pretty quickly, the sound already having escaped though.

"Tae!" Jimin shouts, putting his hand down onto the table harshly, "come on!" he tries to defend Yoongi, even though the pictures that come to his mind just make him want to pounce on his cute hyung. "What?!" Tae is shouting back now, the two having their own 'argument voice', "I'm not saying anything! It's hot, okay? I'd really like to wear those panties one day, or do you want to wear them, Yoongi-hyung? I guess that'd be better, they would probably fit you much better. Although I can imagine rocking some pastel blue panties if I say so myself." Tae just blabbers on without looking around at the partly still shocked and partly eye-rolling expressions of his mates.

"I'm so sorry, Yoongi-ah. Tell me if you need their butts kicked." Seokjin tells Yoongi, reaching out to take his hand in his, Hoseok beside him just writing more on that damn paper. Yoongi just shakes his head no and answers that, "I-it's okay, hyung."

Yeah, Yoongi's happy.

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