Chapter 1

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Daenyra cursed any god who was listening for putting her back through this shit. 

She won! She fucking won! She had conquered three realms, she was an empress of her own creation. She had three husbands and birthed eight children! She won wars and slaughtered any who stood in her way. She went from a pawn to a Queen that's influence echoed through history. 

Then when she had finally won, when she died of old age, here she sat, cuddled in another bitch's arms. She could barely focus on the movement and noises around her as she tried to see where and when she was. 

Then she heard two familiar names: Rhaegar and Lyanna. 

She was in Game of Thrones...

HOW WAS SHE IN GAME OF THRONES!?!? There is no way her descendants were as fucking pathetic as the Targaryens in the show. There was no way the Targaryens of Essos or Valyria would allow for the Dragon house of Westeros to fall, there's no fucking way!

Where was Aerys' descendent ensuring the safety of the realms?

It was Aegon's blood she was certain of it, she shouldn't have put Rhaegon and Visenya as her heirs for Westeros there was too much weak Hightower blood in them. Of course, their descendants were weak they were related to Alicent and Viserys. 


Maybe the timeline had changed!

Maybe the cavalry would come in and the Targaryens of Essos and Valyria were already fighting on the battlefield! 

No way that fat bastard Baratheon would sit on the Iron Throne, HER THRONE!

She turned to the side of her cradle, seeing Jon Snow, her twin in this life. Well, she supposed his name was Aegon Targaryen right now. He babbled and squirmed as all normal babies do. 

She looked up to see the looming figure of her newest father. Unlike Viserys, he seemed to only focus on her, completely disregarding his son. It made sense she supposed, by being born first she had become his heir. Not to mention she held the Valyrian beauty while Jon was the picture of a Stark. 

During her reign, hundreds of years prior, she had almost completely done away with sexism when it came to ruling. While many still viewed men as superior, the precedent had been set that women are capable rulers. When she became the Conqueror she became a symbol of female empowerment, she placed women as the head of noble houses and her daughters as co-heirs with her sons. She made sure that no dance of dragons could happen again. There would be no ground to stand against another Princess Rhaenys or Princess Rhaenyra for their birthright. 

She recognized that Rhaegar looked to her as the future of the house Targaryen. She wondered if she would have to start from the bottom as a bastard like in the show. 

But then she recognized one difference from the original timeline... Lyanna lay in the bed smiling at them, the wolf who started a war had survived childbirth. 

A young Ned Stark burst into the room, sword drawn ready to defend his sister. Only he did not come upon a kidnapped and raped Lyanna, he came to find his sister and her family. Still dizzy from birth, Daenyra could barely understand what they were saying. She vaguely recognized some screaming and some crying but eventually, Jon was taken from her side and placed in Ned's awaiting arms. 

Rhaegar picked her up, showing Ned both of his newest family members. 

She could recognize in his face that Ned had the painful realization that he was standing on the wrong side of the war. 

King Aerys II had been dubbed the 'mad king', his power was limited due to Queen Rhaella being there but he still caused many problems throughout the realm. When Queen Daenyra was the ruler of the three realms, she ensured that the King and Queen were equal in power regardless of standing. It was why the Targaryens tended to intermarry, so the power would always rest with the house of the dragon. In the case of an unfit ruler like Aerys, this precedent had saved many but not all. The mad king had killed the young Ned Stark's father and his elder brother, leaving him to inherit the title. 

The war was justified, but now that Rhaegar had married Lyanna, he had united their families once more. He had ensured that Stark blood would sit on the throne one day. Through his love for Lyanna, he paid for his father's crime and restored peace between the houses. 

The only problem was Robert Baratheon who was raging about his bride being taken from him. His heartfelt story of woe and the support of the North was the reason so many joined his rebellion. If Lyanna was queen and announced her love and loyalty to the House Targaryen, all his support would dwindle. 

The game would shift in Targaryen's favor once more. So because of Queen Rhaella being in power and Lyanna living... Everything would change. 

Ned did not like the fact that his sister had been so utterly reckless. She started a war because of her infatuation with the people's prince and now he had to turn against his best friend Robert and pull the northern support.  But as he held the young Aegon in his arms, he couldn't help but smile. 

So many atrocities had been performed in the name of rebellion. 

Rhaegar's first wife and children were slaughtered and raped. Queen Rhaella had been forced to flee to dragon stone with her young son Viserys and the child growing in her womb. Aerys had been completely lost to madness and was the only dragon who remained in Kingslanding. 

That was until he died in the night. 

As Queen Rhaella held Viserys close to her she smiled. The Archangel Jane Sand had fulfilled her request, she had sent an angel to seduce Aerys and ensure he didn't survive the encounter. 

Since the Conquorer Daenyra had founded the Angel House and the Mockingjays, they had always been in service to the ruling queen. Spies and killers, throughout the world, are always ready to serve the house of the dragon. 

She had asked Archangel Jane to make her a widow after she left kingslanding and she had just received a raven that her wish had come true. How a raven made its way to her in this storm, she would never know but it didn't matter. Her mad husband died in his sleep and Rhaegar was now king according to the law. 

Many had joined the rebellion due to their hatred of Aerys. While Rhaella tried to regulate his power most just wanted Rhaegar as king. Not that Rhaella really blamed them, Rhaegar was the perfect prince until he met the Stark girl. After the story spread that Rhaegar had stolen Robert Baratheon's bride and raped her, many feared he too would be like his father. 

It was this fear of another mad king, that fueled the rebellion. They didn't want to bring Dragon into the fight but it seemed that as the rumors grew stronger, so too did the war efforts against them.

But now Aerys was dead and Rhaegar could show them how good and merciful he truly was. 

Her joy was short-lived as she felt the familiar spike of pain. She was going into labor. 

Viserys noticed his mother's discomfort and looked to her for what was wrong, "I am fine, my dragon. Your little sibling wants to enter the world! You will be a big brother soon. 

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