Chapter 6

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Daenyra had always known she was not made for monogamy. It served her well during her first life, seducing targets and truly making them feel for her. During her second life, the sentiment was encouraged. She was a conqueror and a conqueror was not meant to be tied by the moral shackles of the Angles and Roynar. 

She thought of her husbands often in this third chance at life. 

Her besotted Aegon, willing to kill and die just for a moment at her side. The lovely boy who thirsted after her like a wanderer in a drought. Her king of Westeros, her Aegon. 

Looking at her new Aegon, sleeping naked at her side, she couldn't help but draw correlations between the two. They couldn't look any more different and yet that sweet twinkle existed in each of their eyes when they looked at her. 

The room was quiet, the only sound was the slow and steady breathing of her twin. One of his callused hands rested on her ribs, his thumb mindlessly caressing the undercurve of her newly blossoming breasts. 

He had no idea he was doing it, through the night his hands remained on her body, silently claiming her even from the world of dreams. 

Her eyes trailed over his soft pretty features, down his muscular back. Yes, he would do well to take the mantle of her first husband. Poetic that she should once more marry a brother named Aegon. It did slightly bother her that their children might not have the iconic silvery blonde hair she had grown fond of, but something was enticing about the possibility of having a daughter that was a mirror image of her first appearance, her appearance as Ash. 

Of course, she could always have a silver-haired child with her second husband.

Aemond popped into her mind, quiet, calculating Aemond. So obedient, so vengeful, so ambitious. She often thought of him with her fingers between her legs. His gemstone eye snarled at her as she rode atop him. 

Viserys would do well to take his crown as the second husband. 

A second son of a weak king, brother to an only slightly more useful king. Viserys was not yet a dragon rider, much like his predecessor his egg had turned to stone in the cradle. She wondered briefly if Viserys too would have to sacrifice an eye... Aemond had given her a strange kink for eyepatches so she wasn't against the idea. 

The third spot is what remained vacant... A warrior... She needed a warrior. 

While Daenerys would be a wonderful lover, she didn't fit the previously established molds. 

Aegon the king. 

Aemond the poet. 

Daemon the soldier. 

Perfectly balancing each other out and adding to the whole. 

Jaime Lannister was one option, he was a warrior type. Princely in his own way even if he was an annoying fucking Lion. Plus he had all that underlying sexual guilt for sleeping with his sister if Mae was to be believed. 

It had been so very long since she had seen Game of Thrones, that she couldn't remember many of the plot lines. Most of the character names had blurred together with real people she had come to know in her second life. In her mind, Daenyra was well over a century old. She had been Daenyra for so long that being Ash felt like a distant dream. 

She shook the thought from her head and focused back on her original train of thought. Who would make a good replacement for the warrior, Daemon Targaryen? 

Someone possessive, family-focused, and vicious when necessary. 

A few names popped into her head: Jaime Lannister, Oberyn Martel, Khal Drogo... though one name in her mind stuck out above the rest... 

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