Chapter Two

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It took a moment, but eventually Todd heard the subtle creak of Neil's bed, and the light switch turned off. A few sniffles later, Neil was asleep. Todd sat up to try and peer over to see whether Neil's eyes were open or shut, but Neil's back was to him, and Todd's eyes were still too blurry from the tears to see much.

He got naked in the room and went under his covers. 'What a life you lead, Todd Anderson.' His mind kept drifting to Perry, Todd Perry, Neil Anderson, The comforting thoughts brought him to a near comatose sleep, where dream Todd could say what he meant, and kiss Neil all he wanted.

Todd woke up to someone kissing him. He didn't realize what was happening until he heard a tongue slip into his mouth, saliva leaking. His eyes shot open, but his body refused to move. It was overly enjoyable, the feeling of being kissed by someone he couldn't see or hear, but who's lips moved so well-

The whole thing didnt last for more than a minute, but Todd felt a feeling of such bliss he couldnt ignore. When the boy lifted up and left the room, Todd swore he could hear him getting into the bed next to him, but he didn't trust his feelings being that tired and worn out. Barely minutes later, his breathing slowed back to normal, and he resumed his slumber.

Todd woke well rested that morning despite last night's talk with Neil. He couldn't bring himself to think about it. The kiss occupied the whole of his mind.

"Neil?" Todd didn't wait for an answer, "I'm skipping breakfast."

Neil nodded in a way that showed no emotion and left, accidentally slamming the door on his way out. He unlocked it moments later to stick his head in and say a quick "Sorry," before filling out and shutting the door more carefully.

Todd got up gently and went to the showers with a towel draped around his waist. Knowing no one else would be there,he took his time massaging every inch of his body. Neil was a fleeting thought in his racing mind. He used more soap than usual, spent more time cleaning every crevasse. He would have stayed there the whole day if not for the fact that he had Keating first.

Freshly showered, Todd took his sweet time entering Keating's class, barely making it before the bell. He felt embarrassed to be that late, kicking himself for his arrogance about the time.

He took his usual seat next to Charlie and opened his journal. Writing in it had become such a safe haven, it's thick pages holding all of Todd's secrets. Neatly, he wrote in it, ignoring Keating's speech.

Last night I had my first romantic experience. I woke up in the middle of the night to find that someone was kissing me! I know it must've been a boy because, well, there are no girls at Welton. (Charlie secured that one.) God, it was wonderful. Truly. I'll be staying up tonight to try and catch who he is, and, best case scenario, get to kiss his soft lips again. God knows I need it.

He shut his notebook just in time to realize Keating was talking to him.

"Mr. Anderson, now, as we all know, women are the Divine creature gifted so lovingly to us by whoever is above, but what truly makes them different compared to us other than," He coughed crudely, "A few certain body parts? Your poetry assignment for this week is to explain that in such a way that we may all feel the presence of Waldo himself in here, dear boy. Now that I've gotten to everyone, go off! Show me what you're capable of. Poems on my desk by Friday."

As the class separated into conversations of what to do, Todd was sitting miserable at his desk, staring at a blank piece of notebook paper.

"Good Lord, Todd, did you luck out!" Charlie said, smiling enviously at Todd. "I got trees. Can you believe it? of all the," he broke into a whisper, "Crap that everyone else got, I got trees? And sitting next to me, we've got a man who gets to write about breasts for a week! What I'd give to switch!"

What Todd would give was more he thought, because that may have been the only subject he never could get a good grasp on. 'At least trees are pretty, Charles.'

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