Epilogue Pt. 2 (1989)

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"Honey, should we invite the Overstreets for dinner tonight? I swear we haven't seen them forever."

"Todd, it's been two weeks, if we're talking about family we haven't seen it's Gerry and Stephen that should be on the top of that list. We haven't seen them since they bought their new home!"

Todd smiled at Neil, who was turned away from him doing the dishes. "Well, what if we invite the whole lot over? I can start writing invites now-"

"Oh, that's a great idea! Do you remember Charlie and Gen's address though? I sure as hell don't."

"Check the address book, idiot," Todd chuckled. "I'll grab it now if you're done with the dishes?"

"Yeah, I am, thanks." Neil readjusted his glasses as he walked away from the sink and towards his partner. "Oh! Wait, let's make it a Christmas party, fancy like the one in Die Hard!"

Todd looked funnily at Neil, who was sitting down next to him at the kitchen table. "Minus the terrorist invasion, though, right?"

"Ye-es." Neil laughed as Todd hug-tackled him from the side. "Hey, watch the sweater! I just bought it!" He felt Todd smile into the wool,

"I know, but it's funny to watch you moan about it."

Neil rolled his eyes as he dropped the pen onto the table and turned to Todd, who was still clinging to him. "Should we take a chance on Cameron?"

"Yeah," Todd sighed, "You think he'll even get it?"

"I think so, but with him, that makes... nine? Can we accommodate that many?" Neil was now stroking Todd's hand.

"Mhm. We bought those new chairs, which should come in around Thanksgiving, and the table's big enough. We'll sit Charlie at the head with Genevieve to his right, then Chris and Knox, then Cameron, you n' me, Gerry and Stephen. Should all fit if you're at the other head. Perfect?"

Neil smiled and rested his head on top of Todd's and kissed it. "It always is. C'mon, let's write in front of the fireplace. You like that spot best."

The (official) End.

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