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"You can't be serious," Inoichi whispered even though they were the only ones in the room with active privacy seals. "Now of all times." 

"That was the first thought through my mind," Shikaku knocked back another drink. "My shadow has been aching to wrap around him, to soothe some part of me that's been stressed since finding out." 

"How do you feel about this Shikaku?" Chouza asked his best friend. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Can you see yourself pursuing this?" 

"He'd be an idiot not to," Inoichi scowled at the thought. "We know how this works, if he doesn't satisfy his desires he's going to lose control of anyone who remotely approaches that redhead seeking romance," He turned a deadly glare towards the Nara who flinched at the intensity. "Tell him, at least make him aware so he doesn't look to pursue anyone in the meantime." 

"I have to agree with Inoichi on that part as well Shikaku. We can't risk you going crazy, you know the council wouldn't take it well." 

"But that isn't fair to Narui. He deserves to find someone to settle down with when the time comes. Telling him not to would be hypocritical since I didn't wait for him to show up in my life. I have a wife." 

Inoichi paused. "Wait you aren't looking for a divorce?" 

Shikaku reeled at the question. "Excuse me?" 

Inoichi glared at him. "Are you fucking stupid!? You have to divorce Yoshino." 

"What? No, she's my wife." 

"With a husband that longs for his rightful soulmate," Chouza murmured. "If anything isn't fair it's staying with her when you know your heart isn't for her anymore." 

"But what about Shikamaru, our family," Shikaku deflated. 

"Look it might not seem right now because it's a bitter pill but staying in a marriage like this can only build resentment on your end. Shikamaru doesn't need to grow up in that. You can build a home with Narui and co-parenting isn't out of the question. It can be done, why are you being stubborn?" Inoichi grumbled. 

"You'd only come to hate Yoshino for holding you done in this marriage while Narui is right there in arms reach," Chouza leaned forward. "We'll steady you through this storm but staying with Yoshino is going to hurt her and possibly Narui when he finds out when you lose control." 

"I know, trust me I know but I can't help but feel helpless," Shikaku placed his head in his arms. "I loved Yoshino, I loved her for so long. How is it possible that these feelings are gone and the urgency to rush into Narui's arms is so present?" 

Inoichi and Chouza shared looks of sympathy as they gazed at their best friend. "It's your Nara Spirit. It won't ignore your soulmate bond. But while it's difficult to grasp understand that there is a representation of your love with Yoshino. It's Shikamaru. If you ever doubt your former feelings turn to him." Chouza ruffled what he could of Shikaku's hair. 

Inoichi sighed. "Let's leave it here for now. Shikaku has to inform his elders and tell Minato and Kushina." 

"Do I have to tell so many people?" 

"Only the ones in your vicinity constantly, should you go rogue they have the best chance of stopping you in your tracks until you cough up to Narui about the situation," Inoichi shrugged and Shikaku conceded on that point. 


Kushina was happy but also apprehensive about keeping the sudden news a secret. She was happy as warm biscuits to know that Narui would have such a dedicated partner but the consequence was having to break that bond with Yoshino once her cousin became aware of the situation. Minato was only mildly surprised. 

"You had that intrigued look on your face whenever you watched Narui only it was more intense. Now we know why you were so intense," Minato brushed him off. "But seriously, we'll keep your secret for however long you need to work up the courage." 

"Thank you you two," Shikaku murmured his gratefulness before teleporting back to his clan grounds to engage in breaking the news to his elders. He sighed softly as he went to the elders' Main home. 

He paused on the outside before sliding the door open. Inside the elders were having a small lunch while chatting amongst themselves but they toned down when they realized their Darling clan head was waiting for their attention. Shikaku's father was among the elders, having passed the reins of the clan off to him at a young age. 

"What's wrong Shikaku? You don't normally come to us unannounced," His father's voice was cool but the underline worry in his tone made Shikaku warm up to what he was going to tell them. 

"I'll make it quick because I think I'll throw up if I delay any further," Shikaku looked his old man in the eye. "My fixation was found. He's a male, Kushina's cousin Narui Uzumaki." 

He felt his shoulders sag now that it was out there. "I don't plan on revealing it to him yet as I want to first separate from Yoshino if possible." 

"If possible? You have to," His mother threw him an offended look. "You haven't the faintest idea how serious this is don't you boy? I am your father's fixation and we'll tell you the finer details later when you inform Yoshino-chan of the latest development." 

"I'm happy you found your other half and I'm pleased to see you taking the correct steps to unlodge yourself from your soon-to-be ex-wife. It won't be easy and she may be deeply upset with you but it's for the best. Resentment is not an environment suitable for young Shikamaru to grow up in." 

"Thank you, Father, I shall be back when I've cleared and settled out a plan with Yoshino," He turned to leave, new hesitation as he approached his home. He could sense his wife's chakra inside and sighed as he pulled the door open. 

"Shikaku? Home already?" She called from the inside. 

"Yes Yoshino," He toed off his sandals and walked into the main area where she sat folding his clothes. She spotted the look on his face and became concerned. "Where's Shikamaru?" 

"He's upstairs," She got up and walked over to him. "Is something wrong dear?" 

'I don't need pet names now,' Shikaku thought with some level of internal disgust. He adored pet names but it coming from Yoshino wasn't pleasant to him anymore. It only served to drive home the wedge that this, their marriage was over. He vaguely wondered if Uzushiogakure hadn't fallen if he would even meet Narui in this lifetime. He didn't dwell on it because it was hard to handle in his chest going his entire life never once meeting his fated partner.

"We need to talk Yoshino," His voice was grave and he gazed at her for a long moment until it clicked in her head. 

Yoshino and Shikaku never argued and never had concerns to voice in their marriage. The only sore point had been his fixation. Yoshino was put off by it and who wouldn't be? The thought of your husband one day meeting the perfect piece to his puzzle was terrifying. That one day he would have to confess he didn't feel for you anymore and that he wished to chase his true happiness.

Tears piled into Yoshino's eyes. "No," She sobbed. 

"You are a good woman and I have loved you for all the time we have spent together-" 

"Then tell me you won't go, say you'll stay," She wailed in his chest. Shikaku hugged her tightly but he didn't speak again. There was nothing to say. 

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