Chapter 3

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The flight took around seventeen hours from LA to Dubai, it was the longest flight for Soraya and her mom was not exaggerating when she said that Emirates Airline indeed was one of the best one in the industry. Having your own seat that feels like a mini room was amazing and the food were just superb, coupled with the caring service of the flight attendants. When she landed at Dubai International Airport she was surprised that there were many travelers coming to this country and airport was really huge. She had to take a short train ride to the arrival section where someone was waiting for her to pick her up. As she exited from arrival doors she looked to her left and saw a sign with her name on it being held up by a short girl, she approach the girl and identified herself.

"Hi! I'm Soraya and you must be my pick up?" She said as she approached. The girl looked like a high schooler might be a little younger than her in a few years.

"Hi! I'm Jennifer madam; I will be your driver and personal assistant for your whole stay here." She said. "Is this the only luggage that you have?"

"Hi yes, this the only two I have brought with me." She said. "It is nice meeting you; I hope you can guide me in this country as it's my first time you see."

"Don't worry I have been entrusted by sir Adnan on your well being while you are here, I will make sure you have fun on your stay." Jennifer said. "Welcome to Dubai!"

"Thank you so much." Soraya said.

"Let's head this way, we need to go a floor up to go to parking. The villa is just a thirty minute drive from here." She said leading the way to the elevators that was located to the left side of the taxi bay area. "That tube you can see leads to the Metro Line or the trains which you can use to go anywhere here. It's very accessible and cheap, by using it you would be able to avoid traffic all together, rush hour traffic here is so horrible but we make do."

Both of the girls walked to where Jennifer parked the car, good thing that parking was in a sheltered and ventilated area as temperatures in Dubai has gone up to the point of scalding. For Soraya it was definitely hot and it got to the point where her lungs is still adjusting that she was already catching her breath just by slow walking to the car. The air conditioning was certainly a welcome respite once they sat on the car as Jennifer turned on the engine. As they weaved through the streets of Dubai, Soraya could not help but be impressed with the amazing structures and high rises she saw, she was really looking forward to see the Burj Khalifa.

"I'm impressed; just now I realize that when you compare it to how mainstream media depicts how the Middle East looks they really are biased." She said.

"So true, when I first came here it was also not what I expected from this country to be. Dubai is already an open city due to mostly the expat population but still we need to be mindful as their law still tends to be on the conservative side. But I believe it's one of the safest cities to live in especially for ladies." Jennifer said. "Were almost at the villa, eta five minutes, don't worry you will not meet everyone now as most of them are overseas on vacation."

"This is my first time actually meeting them, I only know my dad." She said while wondering why this girl knew some things about herself and the situation.

In just a short time they stopped in front of a large black modern style gate, it opened to reveal a mansion in American terms but more compact. Jennifer parked the car on a shaded area of the massive structure and started to unload Soraya's luggage.

"Wow! I did not know that my father lived in a Mansion." She exclaimed.

"They call it a Villa here and yes it's pretty massive, what you are seeing is just the front area." Jennifer answered her as they proceed to the front steps leading to the big front door.

Soraya could not believe her eyes as she went inside, the front foyer looked so grand and the ceilings were very high. An enormous chandelier hanged to illuminate the stairs leading to the second floor which she suspects is where the bedrooms were located. Jennifer guided her to a receiving area where a massive sofa was located and told her to wait here for refreshments. When she came back she was accompanied by a lady who was pushing a small cart. In the cart were different small cakes and finger sandwiches along with a porcelain pot, containers of jams and spreads.

"I will leave you now and yes you can start eating, Sir Adnan will be with you in half an hour as he just had a meeting." Jennifer said.

"Will I see you later?" She asked.

"Don't worry, we'll see each other later and for the rest of you trip." She said as she disappeared around the corner.

Soraya's stomach was now growling as she saw the food that was laid out, she was hesitant at first but hunger trumped her shyness. As she was filling herself, she could not help but admire the design of the house or Villa whatever they say, there was something homey and nostalgic of the present environment she was in. It feels like she was here before and lived on this house, which was very weird as it is the first time she had been in this country. She had already finished almost all the food and the tea had gone cold, but her father had yet to make an appearance, so she was drifting off to sleep but fighting it to avoid jet lag. The soft sofa did not help because by now she just want to lay in it to sleep eyes closing, when she was jolt awaked by a voice coming from out of nowhere.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my home?"

ZORAYA MALCOM MYSTERY: I DIED IN THE DESERTWhere stories live. Discover now