Chapter 4

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It was Officer David Jones's first day at the Police's Cold Case Department, he was respectfully been directed to the basement level to officially report to his new superior officer. Although the cold case department was not his first choice, he was still glad he could join the country's police force. He had been missing his hometown and had been ready to settle in his life there after graduating in the academy, but just almost three years in the squad as a patrol officer he was forced to give it up due to his family obligations. His father pulled some strings to get him on the force as he had been a police officer before and his buddies went on and became high ranking officials, instead when he retired he choose to become a businessman. David was grateful to his father because that was one of his conditions when he asked him to come to Dubai. His father has always been a fair man but of course it is always the first family and the eldest sons that will always inherit the family legacy. He was fine with it as he had no desire to inherit anything from that side of the family and instead he wanted to be left alone to live his life in peace. Looking at him no one would suspect that he had Middle Eastern blood in his veins. He resembled his mother so much that they always refer to him as his mother's male version, even by his buddies from his old department. Then one fateful day his whole life became from being peaceful and normal to chaotic in just a drop of a hat.

David received his mother's phone call while he was out on patrol; her usual calm voice was tinged with an urgency that he could not describe.

"David honey, I need you to come home early today we need to talk, and also your father is here he just arrived." She said.

"Alright Mom, I will just drop by first at the office to inform our sergeant about my early out for today." He said, he was surprised about his father's arrival but did not argue with his mother as her tone broke no space for any arguments.

"Thank you very much David, see you soon." She said, and dropped the call.

There were many scenarios running inside his head on why his father is here in Texas, very far away from his comfort zone. When his father became older, he had travelled less and would not budge from his villa in Dubai; he did not see any point of being inconvenienced by people and situations. He relied more thru online communication or have his staff do the face to face meeting for him. Before heading home, he had a bad feeling already that his life will be changing, if only parents don't guilt trip their children into doing what they want, but as his therapist said, it is like a defense mechanism that also stemmed from their own personal childhood trauma. Some parents don't even realize that they are doing this to their children, but there it is then. As he parked his car by the side of the house where he lived with his mother, he did not yet get down from the car; instead he tried composing himself first and made sure he was emotionally and mentally ready to confront his absent father or whatever it was that he wants from him right now. He went directly to the dining room, where he knows that both of them would be sitting, waiting for him to tell him what they want right now.

"I'm here Mom." David said. He went directly to sit beside his mother. Then he faced his father and took a good look at him. "Dad, I did not expect you here in Texas right now, knowing you don't like to travel that much." He said sarcastically.

"David! Be respectful please.. " his mother said in a sad voice. There were tear stains on both her cheek which David just notice when she spoke.

"I'm sorry about that, hey Dad how are you and why the surprise visit?" He said as he faced his father who was just silently sitting there not saying anything.

"I wish that my visit here is just for leisure my son, but I come bearing sad news and another news but I'm not sure it's good or bad." His father said in an even voice, although his face seems calm there is a tinge of sadness that you can sense there. "Ahmad and Hakeem is now deceased, they were in an accident three weeks ago in Italy."

"What! Why were they in an accident? What happened?!" David said in a shocked tone.

"I don't want to go into specifics but since we are family, I might as well tell you everything." His father said in a hard voice. "Both of them have been on vacation in Italy, in Lake Como to be precise as we do have a vacation house there. According to the care takers, Ahmad and Hakeem took the boat out the lake for some relaxing time in the afternoon before they will go out with some friends at night. But the boat being out there for like almost four hours just blew up, there were no reports of any distress from the boat, it just blew up. There have been an investigation and it is still not finished, the Polizia Municipale have yet to find any suspects of who might be responsible to this atrocity."

"I'm so sorry dad; I don't know what to say." David said in a morose tone. He felt really sad, even if him and his brothers were not close they were still civil with each other.

"I am suspecting that there is foul play going on here and that what happened to your brothers is not an accident, despite what the authorities are saying there. To be honest, I did make enemies both while I was in law enforcement and when I became a businessman. I am still in mourning right now with what had happened, but if I am right about my suspicions, you may also be in danger my son." His father said in all seriousness. "That is why I came here as soon as my schedule allowed me to travel, to make sure that you will be protected."

"What am I suppose to do now? I can't just go into hiding and drop my life here in Texas, how about Mom; I can't just leave her here." David Said in a panicked voice.

"We cannot let everything just come to a chance, hoping I am wrong with my suspicions. Melissa will be going to Canada to stay with your Aunt Beatrice for now; I will make arrangements for a long term situation as we go on with the investigations. But you will be coming with me for your own protection and to make sure you are far away as possible from your brother's killers." His father said.

"Where are we going and when?" David said incredulously.

"You'll accompany me to Dubai of course; we will leave tomorrow right away." His father said in a tone of finality.

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