Introducing The Female Lead

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L" Your Highness with all due respect, I don't believe I am fit to be you're personal maid"

X"I Believe that's my decision to make, I will also be doubling you're pay."

Lilith's eyes lit up at the mention of increased pay. 

This is perfect, I'll work for a few months as his personal maid, introduce him to the female lead, and then leave when they fall in love!

L"I'll do as you command Your Highness" Lilith curtsied

X"Then you will start work the day after tomrrow, you may rest tomorrow and start back in the morning. You may leave now"

With that Lilith left, leaving silence and the slightly sweet scent.

Ahhh yes, this smell. I'm almost certain she is an Omega, as to why she isn't showing any signs of being one is quite unusual.  It's probably for the best, I wouldn't want another Alpha to covet what already belongs to me. Hmm how should I go about marking her is the question.

Xavier heard a click and looked up to see Ivan walking in, Ivan stopped in his tracks scrunching up his nose. 

I"Your Higness.. what is this scent, it's almost like an"

X"Omegas scent?"

I"You found an Omega Your Higness? Where are they? I was unaware there was an Omega in the castle"

X"It's Lilith Thorn"

Ivan pushed his glasses further up his nose.

I"On her file it says she is beta, do you think she lied so she could work here Your Higness?"

X"No, I believe she doesn't even realize she is one"

I"How is that possible?"

X"I'm not sure, but it doesn't matter. I plan to mark her as mine"

I"I see, I will do what I can."


Lilith woke up just as the sun was rising, a conditioning driven into the body by its previous owner. She could harder sleep last night, all she could think about was the Crown prince and how good he smelled. Was it his pheromones that made her so hot, or maybe just how good looking he was. Whatever it was she had to try her best to try and avoid feeling this way today. She had to find the female lead somehow today, maybe she could ask around.

First she talked with the kitchen staff, then the cleaning staff, personal attendants, etc. Where is Alecia, she was sure she working in the palace at the same time Lilith did. Ugh! Lilith wanted to rip her hair out.Why didn't the book give more detailed description as to where in the palace the female lead worked!?  Feeling defeated, Lilith decided to visit the garden. Walking outside the crisp Autum air hit her face, the scent of blooming flowers entered her nose. Lilith really liked flowers, although she had a boyfriend in her previous life, he never once gifted her with flowers.

Walking through the garden she admired the gardeners hard work, being sure not to touch them as she leaned down to smell them here and there. Walking towards the fountain in the middle she noticed a petite figure leaning over the white lilies. 

Hmm someone else is here, maybe I should just move on.

As Lilith was about to turn she saw the petite figure go to grab the lilies.

L"Excuse me! You shouldn't pluck the flowers, the gardeners worked so hard to plant them!"

The petite figure whipped her head around to look at Lilith. Lilith gasped when she figured out who the petite figure belonged to.

It's the female lead! Why is she here?

A"I...I'm... I'm sorry.... They were just... So pretty" tears started to form in the corner of her eyes, startling Lilith.

Lilith became panicked for a second, as she opened her mouth to say something she was interrupted a male voice.

X"What is going on here?"

Xavier came over shining like the sun, absolutely breathtaking. Lilith had to look down to avoid looking at him, she could already feel her face get warm just by once glance. He stopped a few feet away from the women.

X"I believe I asked a question."

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