chapter 1

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That's what I was feeling right now.

I just said my last goodbye to my grandma. She was a lovely soul, who raised me my entire life. She went through think and thin to make sure I had whatever I needed.

She was my best friend.

Unfortunately, she lost her fight to cancer. It was a long fight, but she fought till the very end.

I was so proud of her. The only comfort I have was knowing that she lived a full, happy life. She raised be the best person I could be.

I will continue on her legacy.

I was currently sitting in my room holding a series of letters she left me. She had a nurse write them in the past couple of weeks while I was at school. There were so many.

I was holding the envelope in my hand that read

"for when I'm gone"

Tears coated the envelope, smudging the writing. I struggled to open it.

It would mean she was really gone.

I gathered up the courage and held the envelope in both hands. I began to open it.

"My sweet Charlotte,

I started crying.

"If you're reading this letter, it means that I've joined the great angels up in heaven. Child, do not be sad, but rather happy that I'm in a better place watching over you from above. Remember all the good times we had together. All the planting times, the extravagant adventures, and the ever lasting memories.

Being your grandmother was one of the greatest gifts god blessed me with. My Char, you are such a unique, beautiful & talented princess. You deserve no less than the greatest amount of happiness the world can offer.

Remember to always have courage. With that, you can conquer anything.

I hope you continue to be the best version of yourself possible. Don't let my passing dampen you, but be an inspiration that we all have a time clock, and to live the best life possible.

My dear Char, there's one thing I kept from you. In the admits of my diagnosis, I realized that there was only one other person in this world I trust with you- your father.

He may have been absent your whole life, but there isn't anyone else I trust to keep you safe.

Do not be upset with him. He failed to know about your existence, as your mom I thought it would've been the safest option given his family and career.

He is next of kin in your guardianship. Shall he requite the offer, you show him this letter and the envelope attached with all your documents.

I hope you are able to find peace and happiness in the future. That you are able to share your contagious smile with the whole world and share the love your heart has to offer.

I love you my sweet Char. Take Care darling.


I couldn't stop sobbing. The tears were causing the ink on the paper to continue to bleed, creating a blue swirly mess.

I have a father.

I stood there in shock. I got up and went to my grandma's room to get the envelope. I looked under her bed and saw the abandoned, bright yellow envelope covered in dust bunnies. I stretched my arm and grabbed it out.

I opened it and saw a ton of documents. My birth certificate, legal documents, and a picture that was on top.

I grabbed the picture and looked at it. It was a picture of a young girl holding a baby looking at some flowers.

My mom. She passed away when I was one from cancer as well.

She looked so beautiful. She had gorgeous long hair. For becoming a mom at 16, she looked amazing.

I put the picture down and grabbed the birth certificate

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I put the picture down and grabbed the birth certificate.

I read through it. I stopped at the bottom.

Mother: Adelaide Leary

Father: Ronan Ashford


The word still seemed foreign to me.

I put it down and grabbed the envelope. At the bottom, there were a couple more pictures. All of them had two people. My mom and a male.

They were smiling in every photo.

They looked so happy.

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I turned one of the pictures over and saw the writing

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I turned one of the pictures over and saw the writing.

"The day Ronan asked Addy to be his girlfriend"

It looked like my grandma's handwriting.

As I gathered everything to put it back in the envelope, a small notecard fell out. I picked it up and started to read it.

"Ronan Ashford"

The number that would determine the rest of my life.

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