chapter 13

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As I rejoined the boys in the kitchen, I gave them a quick rundown. Luca and Alex both had a meeting to go to, so they bid us both goodbye and left.

Shortly after, she came into the kitchen. She looked even sicker than before. Her skin was beyond pale and the dark circles under her eyes were more prominent than yesterday.

As she got closer, I noticed she was shivering. Her teeth were chattering, as if it was 30 degrees in the room (0 degrees Celsius).

As she approached us, she looked nervous. She kept twisting her fingers and playing with her shirt. I'm sure Grey noticed it too.

I had yet to understand how he felt about everything. He didn't really show any emotion, which made me a bit apprehensive, but I knew he would be okay with it.

"Charlotte, this is Grey. He's one of my closest brothers and you'll be seeing him around often." I told her, awaiting her reaction.

She nodded and gave him a slight smile. "Good morning, Mr. Grey" she said in a small voice.

He said nothing but gave her a curt nod with a brief smile.

"Let's head down to the medical wing so we can see what's going on." I told her. She nodded but the anxious look appeared again as she looked down and played with her fingers.

We were soon in the elevators making our way down to the exam room.

Another doctor came in and checked her out. Gianna was one of the usual doctors who spent most of her time patching up made men. So when she saw us, she was grateful for this surprise.

Her presence made Charlotte a bit more comfortable. Being the only female doctor on the unit, she agreed to take Charlotte out some time and get to know her better- which I was grateful for.

We went back to my apartment and she went to her room to rest.

I ended up catching up with some work by answering emails and scheduling meetings to discuss plans with potential clients.

On top of being a doctor, I also ran all the financials for each of the clubs, which kept me busy and financially secured.

My life had changed so much in the blink of an eye.

I was a father.

That meant every decision I made, I not only had to think about myself, but her as well.

That was scary.

My phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts. I picked it up. "Astor"

"There's an emergency on South Bend, a few guys were hurt and we need you" Francisco, one of our trusted advisors, told me in a frantic tone.


I grabbed my phone and called the guys. I couldn't just leave her here alone, especially when she was sick.

Within seconds, Grey picked up.

"Yo there's an emergency and I can't leave her home alone. Can you crash for a little until I get back?" I asked him.

He stayed silent for a few seconds. Weird.

But then a sigh and a "fine" rang through the phone. He was here within 10 min.

"She's sleeping" I told him as I threw on my coat and headed out the elevator.

Hopefully I won't be gone long.

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