Character introduction/information for Yes to The Villainess

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Hi guys (●'◡'●)ノ (*^‿^*)

So in todays chapter, this will all only be character introductions and also I guess some explanation about the novel The Villainess Is Mine and about Yes To The Villainess


Aleris Yura
- Our mc's old name/past life's name
- Has a good heart but is very stubborn
- A young woman with medium black hair and black n' brown eyes
- She's at times very sensitive and dramatic
- Aleris at times can't control her anger very well, she also at times talks like her modern self in her current life and forgets that she's reincarnated. At times has a very foggy memory

Aleris Nayat Deirdre Aida {{25}}
- The daughter and first born of grand Duke and grand duchess Aida
- A woman with medium brown hair and green emerald-like colored eyes
- Nicknames: Aleris, Deirdre, princess Aida, Miss Aida, Leris, Ally. She's also called the villainous princess in the novel, since she is the daughter of the grand Duke and also related to the royal family. She's the third female in the empire to be considered a princess but isn't exactly treated like a princess outside the grand duke's duchy
- Isn't a villainess but is called one, she speaks with a calm demeanor and has a kind personality. She has a critical condition that makes her forget things easily. She can remember some things but at times she really can't remember. The villainess of the novel The Villainess Is Mine and originated from the novel The Villainess Is Mine

Lilian Laura Alexander {{25}}
- Love interest
- Has a huge crush on the Mc
- Fell in love at first sight
- Younger sister of Jackson Alexander and only relative
- heroine of the novel The Villainess Is Mine
- Mc's private bodyguard
- A woman with long light purple hair and light blue eyes
- Nicknames: the empire's saint, daughter of god, Lily, Lilian, lian, Lilia, lady angel
- Wears a persona of a kind, good, innocent, and sweet saint
- A wholesome yandere for the Mc
- Lilian grew up in a forgotten noble family, in the entire family tree only Lilian was born with magic. The family saw this as an opportunity and told many people about Lilian, they talked and talked about Lilian's magic to everyone and also showed them how she used the magic. Lilian then was accepted into a school sponsored by the church in which she was offered to be a worker at the church but she declined, as Lilian grew up she began to put up a persona which was acting as if she's the perfect little Angel. Growing up Lilian began to hate having magic but she always tried to think of it as a blessing. At the age of 26, she was strolling in a market place and bumped into the villainess. At that moment, time stoped for Lilian. At that moment she knew, she had fell inlove at first sight of the villainess. After their short encounter the heroine became the villainess's private bodyguard and guarded her all the time, even inside the duchy.

Ethan Kader Aida {{24}}
- Second born and first son of the grand Duke and grand duchess
- Mc's first younger brother
- A good brother and a protective one
- A man who has navy blue hair and dark ocean eyes
- Nicknames: Ethan, ethy, kade, the grand duke's successor, the first son, big bro, big brother, brother, young master, young master Ethan
- Ethan is the Mc's first younger brother who is a caring, loving, and protective brother. He loves his older sister with all his heart and will protect her. Ethan isn't jealous of the Mc, he understands that the Mc needs the attention and agrees with it.
- Doesn't know how to react to Mc and the heroine's relationship.

Luke Rian Aida {{20}}
- Third born and second son of the grand Duke and grand duchess
- Mc's second younger brother
- Has a little bit of a sister complex, yandere-ish
- A man who has brown hair and dark ocean eyes
- Nicknames: Luke, lukey, Riri, rian, lukluk, baby brother, baby bro, the second son, young master Luke
- Luke is the second son of the grand Duke and grand duchess, he loves his older sister very much. He would literally die for her, his initial reaction to the news of the accident aka her suicide attempt was of fear. He feared that the day she'd die and leave him came but thankfully she didn't die...or did she?

Xavier Kael Aida {{12}}
- Fourth born and third son of the grand Duke and grand duchess
- Mc's third younger brother
- Tsundere, Also has a little bit of a sister complex, also yandere-ish
- A young man who has brown hair and green emerald-like colored eyes
- Nicknames: Xavier, Xavi, kael, el, little Aida, little Xavi, little brother, little bro, baby bro, third son, young master Xavier, young Aida
- Xavier is the fourth born and third son of the grand Duke and duchess. He, like his older brothers understand the Mc's situation and feel protective of her. Xavier doesn't like when other people get his older sisters attention other than him and his brothers, he gets jealous easily even with his brothers.

Grand Duke Aida {{48}}
- Husband of the grand duchess Aida
- The Mc's Father
- Caring and loving but strict father, A good and caring husband, gentleman
- A man who has navy blue hair and dark ocean eyes
- Nicknames: The grand Duke, grand Duke Aida, the villainess's father, most known and respected grand Duke
- The grand Duke was the eldest son of the former grand Duke, the former grand Duke was a distant relative of the royal family. In which the grand Duke is too, the former grand Duke and family already had a lot of respect and admiration from the people of the empire. Grand Duke Aida gained more respect, admiration, and power by participating in a war, leading it to win, saving the church, and by defeating the demon king. To the Mc he's a strict father but deep down he really cares for her, he just has a hard time showing it.

Grand duchess Aida {{49}}
- Wife of the grand Duke Aida
- The mc's Mother
- Caring, sweet, kind, loving mother but also has a hidden side
- A woman who has brown hair and green emerald-like colored eyes
- Nicknames: The grand duchess, grand duchess Aida, the villainess's mother, The Lady Angel
- The grand duchess is the grand dukes childhood friend and wife, they both fell in-love at first sight. The grand duchess as a mother is a kind, sweet, caring, and loving mom. She loves all her children equally, she believes that each one of them has their own special talents or ability. She always lets her boys know that they're all loved equally, even if the Mc gets more attention. If one of her children is ever hurt by someone she shows a side she doesn't show to just anyone.

Jackson Alexander {{28}}
- Older brother and only last relative of the heroine/Lilian
- A man who has purple hair and light blue eyes
- Nicknames: Jackson, Jack, Alex, brother, jacka*s, a*shole, foolish brother
- A brother trying to make it up to his sister
- Jackson is an older brother who has done some unforgivable things, one of them was breaking his sisters trust and hurting her.

- The Maids, butlers, servants, helpers, cooks, and more in the grand duke's duchy.
- They're all very kind and caring servants, they'll server their masters with care and patience. Especially with the Mc. All of the workers in the duchy know about Aleris's condition and are also protective of her at times. They all care and love their young masters, platonically of course.

Citizens of the empire (Half A and B)
- Citizens from/of the Sylvanian Empire in Yes To The Villainess
- The citizens of the empire respect they're higher ups, if they are worthy of respect. Half A of the citizens doesn't believe in rumors, for they believe that rumors are made to bring someone down. Half B of the citizens are quite different from Half A, Half B of the citizens believed the false rumors of Aleris. Since to Half B, they are just believing what their higher ups (noble society) are telling.

Since more characters will come in the future, I will also update this character info list in the future ^^

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