Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter? And the V̵͎͕̿̈ȯ̴͔̜͓̊i̸̦̇̈́d̵̺͖̭̓?̴̨̱̱͑͆ Part 4

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You sat with your arms crossed near the edge of the training grounds with Aaarrrgghh and Toby as you watched Blinky tutor Jim on the art of form.  You were slightly amused at the sight, as you can see Jim exhausted and tired since the both of you stayed up studying for a few hours before you all went to bed.

Blinky walked slowly around Jim with both sets of arms folded slightly behind him as one side of hands held onto the other’s wrist.  “Wider Stance.  Keep your frame,”  Blinky pauses, putting a hand to his chin as Jim holds his sword out in front of him nervously looking at Blinky. “No, that’s good, that’s good.  Yes, all right, fine.”  Jim adjusts slightly moving his left foot backwards to make sure he keeps his stance but still follows what Blinky is telling him to do. “That’s better.  All right.  Raise your sword, Master Jim.”  Blinky states as he uses his hand to then raise the sword a good 45 degrees higher than it was before.  

Jim his blank stares, his cheeks slightly puffed out, as Blinky hums at him.  You huffed slightly jealous that the troll didn’t let you train with him considering you were with Jim most of the time.  You didn’t bother bothering him anymore than your already did as you still got some lessons just my watching.  Even if you didn’t get any hands on learning.  

“Head up, chin out, stomach in,”  You heard Blinky continue to talk. You looked over at the two that were next to you.   The duo looked bored as hell, as Aaarrrgghh gulped down the food that was in the paper bag with half lidded eyes watching Blinky and Jim.  

Aaarrrgghh let out a grumbling burp as he squints an eye into the bag and glances at Toby, “Mmm…What’s this?”  

Toby looks towards the big guy, “Dander from my Nana’s Persian and a couple of hairballs,”  he says with an easy going smile that holds slight pride in his voice but quickly adds, “Y/n also put in some other things although I don’t know what they were.”  

Aaarrrgghh then eats everything in the paper bag with the paper bag included chomping down on it, “Hm, tasty…”  Aaarrrgghh let’s out another burp you chuckled in return finding the interaction between the two of them absolutely adorable.

You looked back to Blinky and Jim seeing Blinky continuing to walk around Jim with his head up, “The Trollhunter lives and dies by three rules,”  Jim’s face going from a small smirk and confident face to a fearful shock when the word dies.  “Rule number one: always be afraid,”  Blinky says as he holds up one finger as he turns towards Jim fully.  

“Afraid?”  JIm asks as he lowers his sword down in confusion.

Aaarrrgghh leans forward and drawls out, “Be afraid.” 

“Yeah, I don’t think that’ll be a problem..”  Jim states tilting his head a little while he speaks, his eyes widening as he sees a rock come flying at him and ducks down.  “Whoa!”  

Your eyes widen too as you instantly santch the rock in the air with one hand before it could hit you in the head.  You chuckled nervously as you turned your hand towards you as you stared at the rock nervously thinking about how much of a headache you would have had if you didn’t catch the rock.  

You looked towards Aaarrrgghh and tossed it towards him which he in response chomps down on the rock whole munching contently.  

Blinky smiles proudly with his arms crossed in front of him as he didn’t just throw a rock at Jim’s head, “See? Fear is good.  Keeps us alert.  Keeps us on guard,”  Blinky brings a fist out in front of him fiercely.  “Makes us vigilant.”  He tosses a rock up into the air and catches it in the air and then tosses it at Jim with a ‘Ha!’

Jim quickly steps backwards and squeezes his sword close to him and stares where the rock just flew with shock written on his face.  Another rock was thrown, you watch as Jim ducked forward to avoid a rock to the head.  You slightly snickered as a pun popped into your head that you wanted to say but decided it was best to preserve the two trolls' sanity for just a little bit longer besides you already drained Jim’s and Toby’s a long time ago.

Majikku : TrollHunter x reader (Various)Where stories live. Discover now