Reckless - Chapter Seven

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(Here’s another chapter! I’m so incredibly sorry that it took this long.  Don’t forget to vote, comment and give me feedback – I really appreciate it.)

R E C K L E S S . . . 


I woke up from one of the most uncomfortable sleeps I’d had in a long time and my eyes fluttered open to the terrifying sight of Chris’ face hovering over mine. The feelings of blissful sleepiness immediately evaporated and I squealed in surprise as I tried to get as far away from Chris as possible, regrettably by shooting up into a sitting position. Unfortunately for us - or rather more for me, as apparently he had a super thick skull - our heads collided together forcefully. A sharp pain shot through my head as it made contact with his, causing me to squeal out again. Chris, however, was completely unaffected by the collision. He was amused by my reaction, staring down at me with seemingly innocent eyes and grinning in that cocky way, which I hated so much.

 “Good morning to you, too,” he said conversationally as he watched me rub my aching head.

Looking around in complete confusion at the situation, I found that I was still in his dorm as I’d been the night before. I guessed that I’d fallen asleep during the film, and that no one had bothered to show an inch of kindness and wake me up. Of course they didn’t wake me up - Chris and his friends weren’t the type to express kindness, especially where I was involved. The fact that it wasn’t just my head that was hurting, and that aches radiated throughout my whole body, told me that I was probably right in my suspicions. I had spent that uncomfortable night on the floor.

I brushed the tangled strands of hair out of my face and stared at Chris with as much anger as I could muster so early in the morning. “Good morning? What do you think? I spent the whole night on this floor – with no one even thinking of waking me up – I’m in your dorm, which is probably one of my least favourite places to be, and to top it all: I’m alone in this place with you, one of my least favourite people,” I ranted grouchily, ruining the effect by yawing and rubbing my eyes to clear the sleep out of them.

He rolled his eyes and looked amusedly at me. Of course my rant hadn’t affected him one bit, I had hardly expected him to care. “I feel really happy about that, Anne. You’ve just made my morning, I mean; it’s not every day that you tell me how much you hate me. I’m so honoured that you consider me as one of your least favourite people.”

“No one asked for your opinion, Chris.” I got onto my feet and smoothed out my crumpled school uniform, which I had fallen asleep in, fuming on the inside at how easily Chris managed to annoy me.

In the grogginess of being half asleep, I managed to locate the door so I could leave his dorm – tripping clumsily along the way/

As I flung open the door, out of the corner of my eye I saw Chris get up and start to follow me. It was later than I had initially thought, because the hallway I stumbled into was teeming with students. They looked at me strangely as I burst out of Chris’ room with my crumbled clothes, smudged makeup and disarray of hair.

Some people dismissed me as yet another one of Chris’ many ‘girlfriends’; others who knew me better gave me curious looks as they tried to determine why I was there. However you viewed the situation, really, it wasn’t the best to be in.

It got steadily worse when Chris came out behind me and, to my surprise and complete annoyance, wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me close to him and I could feel the rise and fall of his chest as he laughed silently at the looks people were giving us.

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