Reckless - Chapter Seventeen

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Happy 2012! I hope everyone has a beautiful year. <3

R E C K L E S S . . . 


Things started to fall apart that night as soon as Blake called me, only a few minutes before I went to serve my detention with Mr Olsson.

“I’m so sorry, Anne!” he kept on frantically saying from the moment I picked up the phone.

What?” I had to demand after about half a minute of this. I was in the dorm, sorting through my piles of clothes to find something that I wouldn’t mind getting ruined – I was sure that the groundskeeper would probably ensure that I did the most dirt-ridden task at the slightest hint from Mr Veritas.

 “I tried to get a detention tonight so I could be with you in the grounds, but Mr Laurel ended up keeping me in his lesson instead and I can’t get out until at least eight,” Blake said in one big rush.

I tucked my phone between my shoulder and my ear while I held up a pair of tattered black skinny jeans for inspection. “How’s he allowed to keep you in detention for that long?” I put the jeans down, deciding they would do if I couldn’t find anything else, and then proceeded to lift a pair of tracksuit bottoms out of the drawer. After a second of contemplation I hastily threw them to the corner of the room – there was no way that I was going to wear those out, they were reserved for those particularly lazy days where no one was supposed to see you.

Blake sighed from the other end of the line. “He says it’s a weeks’ worth of detentions combined because he doesn’t want to stick around after school for the rest of the week. Anyway, he has his History club meeting today so apparently I have to stay for that.” He sounded horror-struck at the thought of a History club.

“You’re such an idiot.” I looked at the jeans again and then threw them on my bed, finally deciding that I might as well wear them.

“I deserved that.”

“You bloody well did. What’s going to happen now? Mort’s one man down. When you asked for my number I didn’t envision you calling me up to tell me you couldn’t join the werewolf hunt because you’re in detention,” I snapped at him heatedly.

“Well I’m in detention now, so there’s nothing I can do!”

I opened a dresser draw and drew out a large zip-up grey hoodie, shrugged, then threw it on to the bed to join the jeans. “How the hell is he letting you go on your phone, anyway? Shouldn’t he be more aware of what you’re doing? I thought this was a detention.”

“He’s in the store cupboard getting out his collection of Russian money; he wants to show it to us.” The strangled pain in Blake’s voice was obvious. Served him right.

I almost laughed at his words. “You sound like you’re going to have a hell of a good time, but why don’t you just sprint out the door right now, if he can’t find you to bring you back then he’ll have to reschedule your detention for a later date.”

“That would be the ideal thing if the door wasn’t locked and there weren’t ten other people in here, all of whom would probably chase after me and drag me back, just so I can experience the joy of comparing the mark and the Rentenmark.”

Flopping down on the bed, I proceeded to sort through the pile of mismatched clothes. “Have you called the others yet?” I said, holding up a black tank top. “Or do you want me to do that?” I paused. “Is that why you’ve called me? To break the news to them that you’ve been a complete and utter-“

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