Sakonji Urokodaki

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Tanjiro made a box of bamboo stalks and an old basket to carry Nezuko in because demons couldn't travel in the sunlight. Nezuko was deathly afraid of the sunlight, and it would be fatal if she were exposed to the sun. We had a long journey ahead of us to get to Mount Sagiri. We were both from the mountains, so hiking wasn't a problem.

When it was nighttime, Nezuko was able to walk with no problem. Tanjiro made a bamboo muzzle so she wouldn't hurt anyone if she had the urge to do so.

A lot had changed in twenty-four hours. I was with my mother, father, and younger sister. A demon attack changed all that. Tanjiro was fortunate to have at least one family member survive, even though she became a demon. I found it amazing Nezuko still held on to her humanity. She was still aware of her brother and mindful of me; she knew she wasn't supposed to hurt us.
    The air was getting thinner the higher up the mountain we climbed, and it got more dangerous. Nezuko was able to move fast because of her enhanced strength. She politely waited for me and Tanjiro to get to the top of the mountain.

There was a temple with a light on in the middle of the woods, which was somewhat unusual because typically, people were asleep at this hour, "Come on, let's check it out," Tanjiro told Nezuko and me. 

 We took a few more steps, but Tanjiro's eyes widened as he sniffed the air, "That's the scent of blood. This path can be pretty rough. Somebody must be hurt!"

 The three of us sprinted up the path and the stone steps of the temple, and what we saw almost made me sick to my stomach. Dead people were strewn about the floor head to toe in bloody carnage. The scent of the blood overwhelmed me, and the edges of my vision became hazy. Don't faint. This isn't the time to faint. You need to help Tanjiro and Nezuko. 

 We saw a tall demon feasting on the poor victims; he had bright green hair, white bloodshot eyes, and pale veiny skin. "What the hell are you doing here? This is my hunting ground." he turned his head menacingly toward us. He licked the blood off his fingers and face, then stood up, "Something is not quite right about you. Are you three human?" 

Tanjiro and I stood frozen with fear, but Nezuko tried hard not to give in to her demonic appetite for human flesh. I saw her drooling hungrily. 

 "Nezuko, don't give in," I warned her. 

   The light in the room went out, and then the demon lunged at Tanjiro, but Tanjiro slashed his neck with his hatchet, causing blood to spray everywhere. 

 "A hatchet?" the demon just laughed. "Not bad, kid. Just a little scratch, though." the slash on his neck healed instantly. The creature launched himself at Tanjiro for another attack and pinned him to the ground. I remembered the dagger I had in my pocket, and I drew it. I sprinted at full speed toward the demon and stabbed him in the back as hard as I could. His head looked sharply at me, and he laughed, "That may have worked once, kid, but now, I'm gonna snap your neck!" 

He let go of Tanjiro and chased after me, I ran in the other direction as fast as I could, but then I was pinned on the ground. Nezuko sprang into action and swiftly kicked the demon's head off!

The headless demon got up from the ground, but Nezuko kicked the body away again. The demon's severed head grew arms out of the side of his head and chased after us. He jumped on Tanjiro's shoulders and tried to strangle him. Thankfully, Tanjiro could grab his hatchet and throw it at the demon's head, pinning it into a nearby tree. 

 A man in a red mask appeared, "That hatchet won't do the job. You need to crush its head." 

    Tanjiro picked up a rock from the ground and raised it above his head, but he hesitated. The sun was rising, and I saw Nezuko run away to hide because the sunlight had killed the demon that had attacked us. 

The man who came to our aid was Sakonji Urokodaki. He would see if Tanjiro and I would make a possible asset to the Demon Slayer Corps. The training process was going to be a ride through hell. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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