Chapter 7

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"Barty Crouch Jr

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"Barty Crouch Jr. Tried to enter Harry's name in the Goblet as Professor Moody."

Amora's POV


"If chosen, there's no turning back. As from this moment, the TriWizard Tournament has begun." Dumbledore announces.

Back to present

After the talk and discussion with the three Headmasters. I began to head back to the Gryffindor Tower.

Went to my room, ready to go to sleep.

I did something at the Great Hall earlier. Luckily, I wasn't caught. In order to have more proof that my spells and charms work. I made a device, a device I got help from my father. I found out that Muggles have these advance devices. One of those is called a 'CCTV Camera'. I know it wouldn't work here at Hogwarts because it has electricity. But I made it work with a few twist that doesn't need electricity. We recently put those around our home too.

Anyway, I sticked a CCTV Camera, a camouflag one, to the big doors inside the Hall. An area that is good enough for me to see the Cup which is in the Middle.

Not even 3 hours later, I feel vibrating on my wand which buzzed loudly, it not only woke up me but my dormmates as well, fortunately the said dormmates are my best friends.

I hurriedly took my wand from my bedside and inspect it.

"What's happening Mores?"

"What's with the buzzing?"

I shush them with a single finger up. Then point my wand to a open space.

"Δείξε μου"

(A/N: This is translated from Greek "Show Me". Please don't mind if the translation is wrong, I'm only using Google Translate)

Why did I place a CCTV Camera at the Great Hall even if this spell shows the Identity of the Wizard themselve? Simple. The Hologram on the spell can be only seen once when it happened and it will be magically erased from my wand after just a few minutes. That's why I also placed the CCTV for precautions.

"Wait- That's Moody?" Iliana says confuse.

I shook my head, "Not Moody. That's an imposter." I point my wand to wizard's figure and it shoots out a blue mist, then we see the true identity of the imposter. Its easy to figure out if the figure is real or not, when they have a white streak along their figure they are using a disguise, spells, or charms that hides their identity. But considering this spell is one of the oldest and forgotten ones, it is quite useful for situations like this. But if the figure is real, it will be all blue misty like just like the hologram.

"Can you see who's name did the Imposter Moody tried to enter?" Angelina asks.

I nod my head and swift my hand to the left, then we see a closer image of the parchment, "Harry Potter".

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