chapter 16

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Serenity stared out of the window of her living room, letting her mothers words set in. enya had just left her home, and her mind was all over the place. she was feeling a bunch of emotions all at once.

enya had basically told her, her opinion on cynthia's whole situation. she told her that she needed to let her daughter live her life, and let her deal with the consequences if anything went wrong, just like she had told cynthia.

enya had told her that because serenity hadn't let cynthia live much, just made her focus on school and stay locked down in the house for so long, it was the reason cynthia had started going against her and going out with darrian. enya understood that cynthia had felt trapped in her own home, under her mothers ridiculous rules as serenity tried to make cynthia someone she wasn't, and with darrian she felt she was free.. like she was herself.

enya had told serenity all of that, and had also told her that she needed to think back to when serenity's father was doing the same thing serenity was doing to cynthia, now. that she needed to remember how she felt, and the many times she would tell enya that she didn't think it was fair.

enya knew cynthia was smart, and trusted her to make the right choices. she just needed to be able to make choices, and not have serenity do that for her.

serenity knew enya was right, and it had made her feel guilty for the way she had acted towards cynthia. she thought back on everything she had told cynthia, and how she had made sure cynthia knew serenity was disappointed in her.

she remembered the look on cynthia's face as she listened to everything serenity told her, how she had sat quietly the entire time and only nodded after.

a great part of serenity felt terrible, but the other party was still angry. she just didn't agree with cynthia being with darrian, or hanging out with all of his friends. and it made her angry that enya was going against her, and not agreeing with her.

when enya had arrived at her house, without cynthia or cassandra, serenity was instantly angry.

she didn't understand why her mother would take her daughter to darrian, even after everything she had told her. she felt betrayed.

serenity sighed to herself, shaking her head as she didn't know what to do at the moment.

Cynthia walked in the reyes home behind david, with cassandra following behind them. eventually they reached the room notti and dd shared, and david opened the door, letting cynthia and cassandra walk in first.

ethan's head raised before darrians, and his face immediately scrunched in confusion. "yo ass sneak out again?" he spoke, "never gon learn." he shook his head.

ddots head finally rose, immediately locking eyes with cynthia. his eyebrows furrowed, and he watched as she sent him a small smile.

as he stood up from his seat, nottis eyes traveled over to the girl standing next to cynthia. he had never saw the girl in his life, and was confused on why she was with cynthia.

the girl was around cynthia's height, her hair was straightened, she had eyes similar to cynthia's, only a little wider, and she had plump lips. to say the least, ethan thought she was pretty.

"how you get here, ma?" darrian asked cynthia after pulling away from the hug he had brought her in. he held onto her hand a little, looking her up and down.

the two each felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of their shoulders, just from being around each other.

"my grandma." she told him, making him even more confused. she saw his confusion, and chuckled. "she wants me to live my life." she spoke, simply shrugging.

darrian smirked, liking how the lady, who he hadn't even met, sounded. if she supported him and cynthia, he liked her.

darrian wrapped an arm around cynthia, who turned around and looked at her cousin who looked a little uncomfortable. her lips slightly parted, feeling bad for not introducing her immediately.

"this is my cousin, cassandra." cynthia spoke, before point to each of the boys and saying their names.

david and darrian nodded their heads in a 'hey' gesture, while notti sent her a small smile. "what's good?"

cynthia smirked to herself as she watched cass smile back, waving. i knew it. she thought to herself.

cynthia walked with darrians arm wrapped around her shoulders, him keeping her incredibly close by him. the two hadn't left each others side since the moment cynthia had entered david and ethan's room, and now we're walking down the streets of sugarhill.

the two were mid-conversation, talking about anything and everything they could. behind them, notti and cassandra were also mid-conversation. the two had been talking the whole walk, just getting to know each other.

and beside them, was dd who had rolled his eyes about twenty times since they had left their house.
he felt like he was fifth wheeling, and couldn't wait until the group reached the rest of his friends so he no longer would have to be alone.

finally, the group saw an even larger group of people standing outside a bunch of buildings. they were extremely loud, and also had loud music playing which made it even worse.

even though cynthia had hung out with those people many, many times now, she never stopped getting nervous when she first went around them.

cassandra was also nervous, as she didn't know any of these people. it relaxed her a little to know her cousin was by her side, though.

as the two groups reached each other, david smiled wide, "yooo!" he dragged, shouting as he immediately dabbed up whoever was closest.

darrian never removed his arm from around cynthia, but did walk to his friends, dabbing them up.

"yo, cynthia, you out?" cynthia heard from beside her, making her turn her head to see dee walking up to her.

she chuckled, finding it funny how he had said 'out' as if she was locked up or something. she waved at him, as darrian slowly removed his arm from around her and dee gave her a side hug.

"ya moms let you out the house?" dudeylo asked her, walking up behind dee.

she slowly nodded, not wanting to have to explain it all.

cassandra watched her cousin greet the people uo walked up to her, her eyebrows raised in surprise. it was shocking how cynthia was cool with all of these people.

cynthia turned her head to cassandra, expecting to have to introduce her to everyone. as she opened her mouth to speak, ethan beat her to it.

cynthia watched as ethan introduced her, before his friends introduced themselves to her. she smiled, watching cassandra smile at notti before greeting the people who greeted her.

she felt darrian wrap his arm back around her, before pulling her into the group of people that were all around.

even though she was anxious with all these people, she felt okay under darrians arm.

for the first time in a while, she felt relaxed.

bare with me these next few chapters


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