Chapter Four

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A week had gone by since Pearl overheard her father's and Sam's conversation, and she decided it was best to completely forget she ever even heard it, and worry about more important things.

Her birthday.

"I'm finally as old as you now." Pearl laughed as she sat with Seth on the sand of La Push.

"That's what you say every year and then a month later, you're a year behind." He chuckled and rubbed a fist through her dark hair.

"Seth?" She asked after a moment more of comforting silence, and he replied with a light hum. "What's going to happen when you turn sixteen?"

"Is this about what Sam said?" He sighed.

Of course when Pearl chose to forget the conversation, she couldn't do it before telling her best friend.

"Maybe. I don't know, I just thought maybe you were hiding some big trip where you're gonna leave me for a month or something." She shrugged, drawing circles in the sand.

"I'm not going anywhere Pearl. I promise." Seth said sternly and they fell back into their sweet silence.

Instead of watching the waves like Pearl was, Seth couldn't take his eyes off of the girl who had her head resting on his shoulder.

Seth watched the way her long, brown hair blew expertly in the strong winds, and the way her tanned chest rose evenly up and down with every soft breath.

He then looked deep into her chocolate coloured eyes that seemed to shine even when the sun didn't, and remembered the promise he made to himself the previous week.

This was it, he was gonna tell her how to felt.

"Pearl." He said softly, almost hoping she didn't hear. Now it was her turn to hum in response.

"Pearl, I – I need to tell you something." Seth tumbled over his words making Pearl more curious. She lifted her head off of his shoulder and looked him in the eye, she could tell something was wrong.

"Its okay Seth, you can tell me." She softly urged him and griped his bicep in a comforting way, but instead, just made him more nervous.

"Promise not to laugh?" He asked through a shy smile.

"Never." Pearl promised but it sounded more sarcastic than he would have liked.

"You have . . . really nice hair, you know?" Seth started awkwardly, not knowing how to express his feelings in words.

"Huh?" She was most defiantly not expecting that.

"A - and your skin looks so smooth." He continued and brushed her soft cheek with the back of his finger.

Pearl would've still been confused at this action, if it wasn't for the look in his eyes. Seth looked at her with such longing and need, words weren't needed to describe it.

"Seth." She softly took his hand off her cheek and held it in hers. "Tell me. Tell me what you want." She knew what he wanted, but something inside her still needed to hear it.

"I want you." He finally breathed out. "No I need you Pearl, and if I can't have you then –" Seth was cut off by Pearl claiming his mouth with hers.

Seth was shocked at first. But when he felt her hands move to his cheeks, and her soft lips begging for a response, he gladly obliged.

They were so in sync with each other, it was as if they had been waiting for this moment their entire lives.

Seth's hands slowly made their way to her thighs and swiftly pulled her onto his lap in one motion, making her let out a small yelp in surprise.

"Sorry Princess." He chuckled as he broke the kiss.

Pearl Black || Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now