Chapter Twenty Eight

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A week went by and there was still no sign of Jacob. No one knew where he was, as he was a professional at keeping his thoughts to himself no matter how many times Pearl tried to talk to him through telepathy.

"Jake always was a natural." Embry commented on their conversation in Emily's dining room.

"Remember when he phased on the whim just two weeks after he turned?" Jared asked a little too excitedly.

"Yeah, only cause he was protecting Bella against me." Paul shrugged as if it was nothing, but Pearl knew how hard it was to get the hang of phasing back and forth in the first few weeks of turning.

Pearl never knew any of this, Jacob didn't really like to talk about what had happened before Pearl had phased and he was ordered not to tell her.

"Feels like so long ago." Embry shook his head at how fast time had passed for them.

"Not even Quil had joined the pack then." Sam added, remembering the time like it was yesterday.

"He always was a late bloomer." Jared snickered and elbowed the curly haired boy.

"Maybe because it was so long ago." Leah piped up. "I mean, now that leach lover who was all over Jake is marrying a Cullen." She shook her head, remembering eating dinner with the normal teenage girl when she had first started hanging out with Jacob after the Cullen's left.

"Makes me sick." Paul had a scowl on his face the mirrored the rest of the pack.

The thought of Bella's upcoming wedding just reminded Pearl of how far away her brother had gone because of her, and that he didn't even care to stay for his little sister just a day after she had experienced such a traumatic day.

Pearl could feel her chest grow tight at her thoughts and her eyes starting to sting, her whole body visibly shrinking into itself.

"Just ignore them." Seth whispered into her ear as he wrapped his arm around her from his seat beside Pearl.

"Are you okay, Pearl?" Jared asked, noticing her discomforted state as well. For some reason, no matter how thoughtful the words were, those three words were enough to fill her eyes with tears.

"Pearl?" Emily broke away from Sam to take a slow step towards the clearly unstable girl.

"I need to use the bathroom." Pearl said as quickly as she could, knocking her chair back as she stood up, flinging Seth's arm off of her before racing down the hall to the bathroom.

Pearl slammed the door shut and locked it before she leant back on it and cupped her face sobbing.

Throughout her whole life, no matter what had happened, whether it was her older sister moving across the country, or her mother being lost forever, Pearl always had Jacob.

For as long as she had known Jacob had always told her that he would be there for her, and that Pearl would always be his first priority.

But now, Bella had been more important to him and it wasn't even Jacob's imprint.

Her own brother had told her that he doesn't want her anymore.

Maybe Pearl was better off letting the red headed leach finish the job.

Maybe Jacob would want her more then.

The more and more Pearl thought about her missing brother, the more and more the tears flowed from her eyes as she sunk to the tiled floor against the door.

"Pearl?" Seth lightly knocked on the door behind her, his heart aching for her as much as hers was.

Pearl just continued to silently sob into her knees that were hugged to her chest, not being able to build the words to answer.

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