Chapter 24

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There was so much blood

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There was so much blood. I have never been scared of blood but seeing rose bleed is breaking me into pieces.

"Rose! Please" I whisper holding her, I hear shouting but I can't tell what it's saying, I feel someone touch me but I can't move.

I try to understand what is happening but the only thing in my mind is rose.

"Aaron. Snap out it" I look up to see Xavier worried face , I've never seen him this worried,
Of course he will be worried his sister is bleeding in my arms.

"We have to take her to hospital get up" ace shouts at me I get up immediately still holding her "let's go" i don't wait as I walk out the house,
They quickly follow after me.

"Who shot her?" Leon asks as soon as we get in the car "I'm not sure, if it's Silvio again I will kill him" its not dad I know he won't kill her , he knows he will die if he kills her.

I look down at her face , she looks so pretty
Is she even breathing?
Panic runs through my head "can you drive the fuck faster!" I tell ace "I'm literally breaking every rules cuz of you how fast do you want me to drive?"And soon we reach hospital.

"Sir you have to make appointment" the lady said
"We don't have time to make appointments here she has lost already way to much blood and if you don't do it right now you are gonna be dead within 5 minutes" she quickly does whatever the fuck she had to "4th floor to right there will be the doctor"

The elevator finally stopped at 4th floor we barged in his office "what the fuck Xavier" the fuck they know each other?

"Not time, save my sister" he shushes him
"Lay her here" I lay her down and more blood spilled out "she has lost to much blood she will be unconscious for a while, for now I will take the bullet out give her some medicine"

He says as he puts his gloves on gets his stuff to take out the bullet " I will like you guys to leave this room" he says "no I am not going anywhere" i say

"If you don't I will not help her" he glares
I glare back but I have no choice but to get out
"Aaron I will fucking kill you if anything happens to her" Xavier says , and I totally understand why he would do that

"I won't let anything happen to her" and yet this happened ,as I sit down , I hear my phone ring
it was an unknown number I pick up "hello" I say " did you like the gift" gift? " what gift ? Who are you?"

" you still don't get it?" He says
That's when it hit me " you shot rose" i say , is  it the Volkov or Yuri Silvio ? ,he laughs " yes I did and what will you do about it?" He laughs again

"I don't have to tell you what I will do about it, you will see when the time comes." Before he says anything I hung up

"Hey man what happened to you" Rei says as he comes in with others " dumbass not him his wife"Hunter hits him in the head, I sigh

I look to my right seeing Xavier talking to the doctor, I will step out for awhile.

I know I have to give my 'king' tittle to Volkov's youngest son , I haven't signed the contract yet but I know I will have to cuz the mafia queen is dead and before dying she had contract with my father to give the king title to Volkov's youngest son

and to prevent to make the new queen, it is the princess ,who is missing since she was 4
I can't help the Russo family because than I am the one who will get in trouble , and I already have enough trouble to handle but I really wish I could help my best friend.

Just as I step out , I noticed someone behind me ,

"Stop right there" it was a girl voice, I stop walking and turn to look at her, she seemed really young like 14-15 "what are you doing here little girl" I say , ignoring my question she points to my shirt "why do you have blood on your shirt"

"These are nothing" I turn and start walking again

Where am I going?

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