[PART TWO] Chapter 54 (Rewritten)

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War is slowly approaching, all thoughts have been decided. But who will be the one to record the events that will occur? You decided to take on that role. Record events from your past and the present; the world will know of your story. But where to begin? Where it all started...when you first met them.

*the italics written in first person will be you and what you are writing.

"Did you know why they called me the "Monster of Marley"? It began when I was sent into the warrior training ground by my mother. While my mother spoke with one of the higher-ups foreseeing them. I remember making eye contact with a boy. 

This boy happened to be Reiner Braus. I don't know how I was staring at him. But from what he described; my stare sent a chill down his spine. In other words, he sensed something sinister in me. Before I knew it, I was on my own. My mother's request; don't go easy on me for being a noble.

Upon hearing I wasn't protected due to my status; it didn't take long for me to get picked on. And I wasn't for one to be pushed around and settled the score on those who messed with me. No matter how many times I was punished for attacking the same people, I kept going back to give them the same treatment. It didn't take long for everyone to fear me. Everyone but them, the ones who will inherit the next set of titans.

 If my mom taught me anything, it was to stick close to those you will benefit from. It didn't take long for me to work my way into their group..."





"OI! KID!!"

"Eh–!?" your eyes blinked open. That voice...

"Daydreaming again, huh? I thought you said you grew out of that." Your eyes fixated on an older blonde male sitting a few feet away from you.

You blinked again and rubbed your eyes. The blurriness faded as you realized you were surrounded by young people. All of which you got to know in your past.

These were...the later now known warriors.

Zeke, whom you come to remember his name, was sitting on a box. Since he was the oldest kid out of your group, everyone practically looked up to him. Including yourself at the time.

He overall liked you as a person. Impressed that someone as young as you was able to get into a high enough position and become a candidate to become a warrior and inherit a titan.

To be honest, everyone in your little group was impressed. But that didn't stop them from treating you like a child. They stopped over time upon realizing how hard you pack a punch, but Zeke still continued his "brotherly" attitude towards you.

Like for instance, making fun of your daydreaming in front of all of your friends. You initiated fights with him, but someone always had to pull you away so you wouldn't get in trouble.

"I'll say it again since you were in la-la-land. We're attacking Paradis Island in a few years. It'll be time to inherit Titans."

"Oh! Really!?" you asked.

"Out of the eight of us, they're picking seven!"

"Yes! I can finally be a Marleyan!" Reiner exclaimed.

You shot Reiner with a nervous smile. He seemed way too optimistic despite being the worst one here.

"Huh? Why are you so excited? Out of everyone you're the worst. Sprout is two years younger than you yet she even has more potential of inheriting one of the titans." Porco said.

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