Chapter 20

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In the weeks that followed, Elyse was given her new orders. She was taken off active duty and put into the reserves so that she could help Reyna with her mission in Africa. All Elyse could think was that Reyna had some serious pull somewhere to make it happen. Elyse was too numb to know how she felt about losing her career due to one woman's phone call. Part of her knew it wasn't fair and that she was being manipulated, but another part of her realized that if it meant there was the potential of seeing Sawyer from time to time, it might be worth it.

It was true what she said when she had told Sawyer that there was no way they could be together publicly and she could keep her career. Maybe this was fate's way of forcing her hand. Nothing was the same or as important as it had been without Sawyer to share it with. At least, it wasn't for her. She had no clue how Sawyer felt about it. If his reaction to seeing her again was anything to go by, he wasn't overly keen to renew their friendship.

Elyse heard nothing from Reyna or Sawyer for almost a month and then suddenly she was asked to join her for dinner at Sawyer's house because there were a few details they needed to finalize before Elyse left for Africa. She would be one of the first ones headed to the site to prepare for the arrival of the others.

It was fine that she hadn't heard from Reyna, things with the government moved slowly and she was used to it, but she was disappointed that Sawyer hadn't tried to contact her, but then again she was the one who had told him it wouldn't work. He was only honoring her request.

Elyse knocked on the door, and this time, it was answered by a haughty-looking Carson Richards, who waited for Elyse to state her purpose with a raised eyebrow.

Elyse was unimpressed. "Elyse Moore, I'm here for dinner with Reyna Richards." Elyse identified herself.

Carson held open the door and stood aside, allowing her to enter. Then he led the way across the hallway as Elyse noticed his formal dress. Had Elyse missed something in the invite? While her sundress was not informal, it wasn't formal either.

"Madam, your guest, Elyse Moore, has arrived!" Carson said with a flourish as he opened the door and bowed.

"Thank you, Richards," Reyna said as she stood to welcome Elyse with extended hands.

Elyse couldn't help her confused look as she took in the room of Richards in different states of dress. Her eyes immediately landed on Sawyer wearing khakis and a button-down dress shirt.

"Richards!" Sawyer called. "Get Miss Moore a drink!"

"Yes, dear. What will you have?" Reyna asked as she smiled, unconcerned by Sawyer's bossy tone.

"Ummm, water?" Elyse requested.

"Will that be stilled or distilled?" Carson asked with a serious face.

"Either?" Elyse let her eyes dart around the room, and no one seemed concerned by what was happening.

"Richards, when you're done with that, the dog left you a present in the backyard. I almost stepped on it earlier." Shay called out from her seat in the corner. She was wearing blue jeans and an old T-shirt.

"Yes, Richards, see to that, will you." Sawyer grinned as he watched his father pour the drink for Elyse.

"Come sit with me," Phee suggested, taking Elyse's arm and leading her toward the small sofa beside where Sawyer was sitting, watching Elyse's every move. As they sat, Elyse noticed that Phee did the odd left ear pulling thing again as she looked at first Pops then Sullivan.

Elyse couldn't figure out what any of them were thinking, least of all Sawyer who she knew.

"Richards, when you're done with the poop outside, Sullivan's pink bathroom needs to be cleaned again. The Mexican food from last night didn't sit well with him." Sawyer said, glancing over at his brother to watch his reaction.

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