Chapter 26 (The End)

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Elyse found a quiet spot, well away from everyone and in the shadows. She watched as Sawyer approached his mother, then appeared to have a serious conversation. So, it was something he could do, just not with her.

Elyse watched him for a moment before standing and wandering to the office building. She knew no one would be in there this late, and it would be as good a place as any to hide away until everyone went to bed.

She didn't bother to turn on the lights because there weren't any. She could have lit the lantern, but the dark suited her mood. Plus, with the full moon, there was plenty of light once her eyes adjusted.

She had only been there for a few moments when the door opened, and Sawyer was standing before her, watching her closely.

"May I join you?" he softly asked, as if he was afraid she would run away if he spoke louder.

"Would it do any good at this point?" she asked.

"I have hope that it might," Sawyer said, still standing in the doorway.

Elyse gave a nod of her head, and he entered, closing the door behind him. He didn't sit. He stuck his hands in his pockets, took them out, crossed his arms, and ran his hands through his hair. She had never seen him fidget so much.

"I saw some photos of you and Paloma at the premiere of your brother's new movie. You two looked together." That had been another punch to the gut after the texts. He didn't have time to call her, but he had time to take out another woman.

"You don't have to worry about Paloma. She's just a friend." Sawyer assured her.

"If you say so," Elyse shrugged.

"I do. If anyone needs to be worried, it's Sully." Sawyer took a seat in the chair next to Elyse.

"Why Sullivan?" Elyse frowned. Did Paloma have designs on Sullivan?

"Because Paloma has a little thing for Phee." Sawyer shrugged as if it wasn't shocking news. Of course, for him, it wouldn't be. "Paloma is careful about who knows."

"Won't she be upset that I know?" Elyse insisted.

"No, she knew what was happening and what you might be thinking, and she gave me permission to tell you. Sully also took a while to tell Phee, but it's a secret we've kept for a while now."

"Why is it such a secret, especially in today's world?" Elyse shook her head with a frown. It was hard to believe that Paloma could come across as a total man-eater and not be into men.

"Her family does not live in today's world." Sawyer rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "Can we please put that one away for good now?"

Elyse nodded, watching him. She had never seen him so serious or stressed before. Well, maybe once on the cruise.

He leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees. "I did send the texts I was drunk I stole Shay's phone and texted Nate and I thought she had done the same she said she did the same but she didn't because she didn't know you and I were a thing and she didn't know you were in my phone as Mary. So when I sent the message to you that she had sent the messages I thought she had only she hadn't and I didn't know what to do so I sent you a message saying that I love you. I didn't want to do it in a text message-"

"But you were drunk," Elyse confirmed, needing to stop his rambling, unpunctuated tirade.

"Yes, it seems I am more honest when I'm drunk." He slumped into his chair.

"Do you do that often, get drunk?" Elyse asked.

"No, only when I'm miserable, and you had left, so I was miserable. I still am, but I haven't drunk a drop since because of work."

"Work?" she asked, licking her lips. She felt herself caving at his admission, but they might figure it out if she could hang on a little longer.

"Yes, I wanted to come to you right away, but I had a four-month contract that I had to see through, but I'm done with all that?" He waved his hand as if it wasn't important.

"Done with all what?" Elyse asked.

"Acting. I'm giving it up. If you'll have me."

There was a heavy silence as Elyse absorbed his words. That was not what she wanted.

"What the hell, Sawyer! What makes you think I would want you to give up your work!" Elyse rose out of her chair in anger.

"We made you give up yours. If I give up my career, you can return to yours." He stood, towering over her.

"You still don't get it, do you, you idiot!" She crossed her arms close to tears.

Sawyer nodded. "My mother tells me I'm oblivious like my father, that I expect things to work out without really having to try because those around me, who love me, make sure that they do." He looked at her with his heart in his eyes. "I don't mean to be that way."

"The texts-"

"All of them true," he cut her off, walking toward her and placing his hands on her shoulders. "I love you, I want you, and I need you. I will give up everything you want or need me to to be in your life for the rest of mine."

Elyse felt the tears start, and she couldn't control them as he pulled her to him.

"That's all I ever needed you to say. If you had only said it sooner, we could have avoided this entire mess." Elyse broke down, and he held her tight.

Sawyer dropped to his knees. "Will you marry me, Elyse?"

Elyse reached out and stroked his cheek, feeling his tears. "I will. I love you and need you too!"

Sawyer stood up and kissed her. "When and where?"

"In Antigua, a small ceremony with just our families." Elyse smiled through the tears. "But not until after your brother and sister are married. I don't want to steal their days."

"Can we dress up like pirates?" he asked hopefully.

It had been her dream. It was her dream, and he would make it come true.

Elyse laughed. "I had a daydream that I would get married in that church the day I saw it and that it would be pirate themed. I also realized that you would be one of the few up for that and not think it was too crazy."

He hugged her close again. There was no need to say words because they shared a similar crazy.

"We'll honeymoon at the little beach cottage," he insisted.

"Yes, please. Will your friend be all right with lending it?" Elyse asked, wiping her eyes.

"It's my cottage. No one knows about it except you, me, and my lawyer. No one will find us there. No phones or internet, just us."

"It's good when it's just us." Elyse grinned.

"It's the best." He agreed, pulling her close.

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