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I was sleeping peacefully when I heard my fourteen year old bulldog Brutus barking loudly from downstairs.

I went back to sleep, not really thinking anything of it considering my poor little guy was blind and deaf and he usually wanted someone to come downstairs and pick him up and bring him into our beds to sleep, even though he had a perfectly good king sized dog bed tucked in the corner of our small living room.

He usually preferred my brothers room because they has lower to the floor beds that he could easily crawl into and out of on a whim.

I sighed as he continued to bark for five consecutive minutes, throwing the blanket off me, and heading down the stairs to see what he wanted.

"Bru Bru" I yawned as I called out to him, wondering why he suddenly stopped barking "Where are you baby Bru?"

A creak sounded from my right as I cooed for my handsome boy.

"Brutus" I clapped my hands and stomped my feet to grab his attention "Brutus, come here boy."


I frowned.

Usually Brutus came to me when I stomped, wanting to cuddle as much as he could with my brothers before the bus came to pick them up.

A creak sounded to my right and I sighed in relief.

"Come here baby" I followed the creaking floorboards "Where are you..."

The breath stuttered in my throat as I took in the bright yellow eyes in front of me, not belonging to my sweet dog.

I gasped as the little light from the streetlamp in front of our house streamed in from the window, showing me what creature those yellow eyes belong to.

A Big ass Wolf.

How did a Wolf get into our tiny house with a backyard barely big enough to fit a swing set?

As soon as I opened my mouth to scream, as it raised it lips in snarl, a gloved hand covered my mouth.

Two hands gripped my arms, forcing my hands behind my back, and zip tying them together.

My Mom's shout of surprise along with my brothers screams were the only indication that there were more people in my house and that we were all currently being kidnapped.

"We're not here to hurt you" the man who was keeping his gloved hand over my mouth said, his voice smooth, deep, and calming as it could be given the situation "We're here to rescue you."


These people, whoever they were, were going to sell us or auction us off into the black market or do very bad things to us.

I didn't care about myself so much as I did my Mom and brothers.

They were my priority and I promised Dad when he died that I would do anything in my power to keep them safe.

I whimpered at the thought of failing my Dad.

My captor must have thought he was being too rough with me because his loosened his grip significantly on my mouth.

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