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Salvatore pov

As we sit down in the room. I then see Dabria coming in a orange prisoner suit with cuffs on her hands and ankles. Her face is calm, but the hell. Why is she so calm?

"Sit." The officer says to Dabria she then sits.

Me and my family and Hope and Azazel are all here, especially Will.

"Why are you here? Isn't this jail?" Will questions.

"No, no bud. This, this is a school for special kids. Oh and these nice people need guns too protect us because well we're special." Dabria lies.

"Wow. You said I'm special so will one day I go here?" Will says.

Dabria smiles "You are special bud, but you are too too special so you won't be going here." Dabria lies again as Will smiles.

"Ok." Will says happily.

Will then steps away so we can talk.

"There will be a trial, I have some men who work for me. They'll gather evidence. I'd their are enough evidence and people in saying that Mr. Gonzalez forces himself on students. He'll go bye bye." Dabria says, but she laughs evily on her last sentence.

"When will it be?" Alexander ask.

"Tomorrow." Dabria says.

"What happened?" I ask.

"We were in math I was with Hope, Sabrina and Azazel. Sabrina was just laughing not paying attention, the teacher said he needs to talk to her after class. Then it was after class, everyone left but me. I was behind the door. I saw how it was tensed, you guys were all scared. I then stayed, few seconds later I came in. He was touching her, Sabrina has tears down her eyes. So I put her behind me, he also tired to touch me so then I got his wrist. I twisted it.... until I heard a crack. Then he ran ran after him beat the crap out of him." Dabria explains as I smirk.

"You got 10 minutes." A guard says.

"Who was the cop? You seemed to know him." Oliver ask.

"Wait is that why you turned me down. Him?!" Will says angerliy.

"Chill, and eww. That was Mr. De Luca. He's 34 with a wife and daughter and son. In London I knew him. He says he hates me and my company but I'm sure he loves me annoying him." Dabria says she then smiles wide and gets her head closer to us.

"Ok, he was gonna have a baby, and man was he happy. But then turned out the baby wasn't his and the wife cheated on him. Then he divorced her. The man she cheated was with a criminal. Man was he hot. So then he got with her sister. She cheated on him too. Then he got in another relationship and she cheated on did it again happened again. Poor guy, tho." Dabria explains as we all laugh.

"I actually know all the cops in London, some in Italy too. I also know all their secrets." Dabria says smirking.

"Any due how you been?" Dabria ask us.

"Good." We all say.

"That's good." Dabria says.

"What about you? Try not to get into fights you can fight but with these people I don't think so." Alexander says as Dabria laughs.

"It's hard to get into fight in jail. You can get beat up if you sit in someone's chair, you can also get beat up if your getting out the next day. You can also get beat up if your the first person in line to get food. If your new you can get beat up, you'll get beat up because your a newbie and they wanna show who's boss." She says.

"But trust me I can handle it myself." Dabria says.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." Dabria says as another cop comes and gets her. They then disappear as they go in the door.

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