6. real life!

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FAYE WANTED TO sleep in a little bit more, but she knew she had to get up for class. she didn't know why she had decided to take the morning classes, but she regretted it immensely.

she forced her eyes open, and sat up with a yawn. she grabbed her phone off the dresser next to her, unplugging it as she scrolled through her notifications. an unread message from paige flashed across the screen, she had gotten her number last night.

paige 🦒

i had fun last night, we should do it again sometime

i did too, and yes for sure

faye smiled, swiping out of her and paige's chat and switching over to cece's.

cece bug 💕

your never gonna guess what happened

what happened bug

yesterday paige and i hung out for HOURS, then we went and got food and just talked until she dropped me off back at the dorm.



u guys would be so cute together
she's totally into you bug

idk, she might just be being friendly tbh

she doesn't talk to someone for HOURS just to be friendly

ok true, idk tho, i don't want to get distracted from school and basketball

your forgetting paige does both of those things too. i'm sure she has just as much passion for basketball as you do, and she doesn't want anything getting in the way of that. but she's making an effort faye, and she obviously likes you

we both know you like her dot dot dot


faye be so serious rn

ok i gotta get ready for this dumbass class, byee


faye shut her phone off, stretching one last time before she hopped off the bed. leaning down to reach the drawers of her dresser, she rifled through them until she found a suitable outfit for the day.

ice, who had until that point, been sleeping peacefully, slowly and begrudgingly sat up, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

wordlessly, they fell into their morning routine, picking outfits, doing their hair and makeup, and then shuffling their way to the bathrooms to brush their teeth. when they were done, they went their separate ways, driving off to their first classes of the day.

after the absolute boredom that faye was forced to endure the day before, she wasn't looking forward to going to her first class again. luckily for her, the class was held on monday's, tuesdays, and thursdays. that meant that tomorrow she wouldn't have to go, and she would be able to sleep in longer.

pulling her jeep into the first empty spot she saw in the history wing of the main building, she turned off the engine and got out.

the sun was extra bright that morning, burning down on faye like a laser. she didn't like extra sunny mornings, at least in tampa she got mostly cloudy or rainy mornings, or both.

she entered the building and made her way to the auditorium styled classroom. she sat a little bit closer to the door this time, so she could be the first person out of it when the dreaded class ended.

if faye could have one superpower, it would be teleportation. she believed that it would be the most efficient out of all of the choices.

right now, she especially wished she had the ability to teleport, as she ran across the building to try and reach the basketball court before she was late.

when she reached the locker room, she burst in and rounded the corner, running smack dab into a tall blonde girl, who had been standing at a locker close to the door.

"we have to stop running into each other. first the gas station, now this..it's getting kind of repetitive." paige joked, a small smile creeping onto her face as she looked down at the girl.

"maybe if you weren't so tall i wouldn't run into you as much." faye went around her, dropping her bag on the bench and opening her locker.

nobody else was in the locker room at the time, so the two girls just silently went through the process of getting ready for practice. that was, until paige looked over at faye with an apprehensive glance.

"you should go to dinner with me. like an actual dinner this time." paige was nervously twiddling her fingers as she looked at faye and waited for her to respond.

"was last night not an actual dinner?" faye chuckled out, not even looking over at the girl. she stripped off her shirt, throwing it in her open locker before she began looking for her workout shirt.

"no, well- yea. but you know what i mean. like dinner dinner." paige's heart was practically about to beat out of her chest, the fear of getting rejected clawing at the front of her mind.

faye put her shirt on, before turning to the girl, a playful grin set on her face. she took a step towards paige, biting her lip to suppress her smile from growing.

"are you asking me on a date?" she looked up at her with gleaming eyes, as paige tried to stutter out an answer.

"yeah, i guess i am." she wanted to bolt out of the room as soon as she said it, but her body literally would not move.

faye glanced at the ground, placing her hands on her hips and cocking her head to the side, as if she was considering the offer.

"i mean, i guess i can clear my schedule..." she said, and paige quite literally jumped into the air.

"yes!" paige threw her fists into the air, a bright smile on her face. faye couldn't help but laugh, watching with a look of admiration as the taller
girl cheered.

secretly, faye was just as excited. she wasn't going to deny the fact that she was attracted to paige, she knew that from the night of the party, possibly before.

but, she obviously wasn't going to let paige see that, because she didn't want to boost her ego. besides basketball, faye's favorite game to play was "hard to get".

"pick me up on friday at 8."


faye sat on her bed, on facetime with cece as she did homework that her bitch ass teacher gave her.

"bug!! stop being a nerd for like 10 seconds, you have a date this friday, with the paige bueckers. you have so much to do! you need to plan an outfit, make sure your nails match said outfit, find the perfume your gonna wear that night, find what mascara-"

"cece. it's on friday, that's not for 3 more days." this was a common occurrence between the two. on the rare occasions that faye would actually agree to go out with someone, cece would freak out way more than she did. she acted like it was a wedding, even if it was as simple as getting coffee.

"3 days! that's so little time!"

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